Notes on trait-o-matic front end process: i.e. how to hack the phenotypes displayed without a terribly good understanding of trait-o-matic what we see at[name]: (this gets automatically rerouted as "[name]") Code Igniter uses a View/Controller model: the view is mainly just html aesthetic and the Controller contains a set of functions accessed as "/controller_name/function/var1/var2...": views/results2.php *** Note that even as late as in this views section, some last minute modification/refinement of the data is done: could we do some of our data classification at this stage to avoid reprocessing with each modification???*** controllers/results2.php Tracing the data back from front end to core: in controllers/results2.php: function "samples": loads view 'results2' with $data = $this->_prep_results($user, TRUE) V V function "_prep_results": reads results as $data['phenotypes']['database_name'] = $this->_load_output_data('database_name', $job_id, $job_dir) V V function "_load_output_data": ***this is where the data gets sorted (currently by chromosomal place)*** *how to change sort order: first makes columns from the rows we get in $data, then briefly fixes up the chromosomal numbers, then uses php function "array_multisort" (see for documentation of this whole process) reads data depending on config settings: if, as is currently the case, $config['backend_intermediary'] = 'json' in the file /config/trait-o-maic.php, then #1: we get the file info from the 'ariel' table; the line $file = $this->file->get(array('kind' => "out/{$kind}", 'job' => $job_id), 1); calls a function from the 'files' model: V V in models/file: (models are just sub-files in the codeIgniter structure which contain functions, accessed by "$this->Model_Name->function()", used generally to retrieve stored data to be delivered to the frontend) function "get": (helpful here to look at the built-in Code Igniter database functions; T-o-M uses "Active Record" commands, see NOTE: default database is 'ariel' (under the 'writer' username), see config/database.php ***This is the point at which the mysql database is initially queried; gets records from 'files' table in ariel; i.e. we will get the mySQL query: "SELECT * FROM 'files' WHERE kind = 'out/$kind' AND job = '$job_id' LIMIT $limit, $offset" Back to function "_load_output_data" /\ /\ #2: Now, we get the data by accessing the json files referenced in the 'files' table of ariel: $data = array(); $path = $file['path']; foreach (preg_split('/[\r\n]+/', read_file($path), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $line) { $data[] = get_object_vars(json_decode($line)); } END OF FRONT-END PROCESS!!! ---------------------------------------------- Now on to the back-end/core process, i.e. how the JSON files are prepared: