function [PeakLocations]=FACSTC_PeakFind(filenames, col, Bins,Gates,Output) %% %%% % SUMMARY: % This function takes a filename of a .fcs file OR the data from the .fcs % file (see below), lets the user select a gate from a plot of the % side-scatter vs the forward scatter and returns the indices of the data % points in the fcs data that are within this gate. % % INPUTS: % filenameORdata: This is either the name of a .fcs file to open, or the actual fcs FACS data % (ie fcsdat from the call to [fcsdat, fcshdr] = fca_readfcs(filename)) % % col-column of data from the .fcs file that we are interested in (first % two columns for our machine are forward and side scatter, after that % the columns are the fluorescence intensity information for different % channels % % Gates-indices of points to include (based on forward and side scatter) % returned by FindGate % % varargin: % varargin{1}: 0 if output is to be suppressed (default), 1 if output % (ie, plot of the gate and the stuff in the gate) IS to be plotted % varargin{2}: name for the title of the plot when data is sent in rather % than a filename % % % OUTPUTS: % PeakLocations: Locations of the largest two peaks in the histogram of the % logarithm of the data (in column) for all files that filenameORdata % specifies. % % % REQUIRES: % fca_readfcs % % % REFERENCES: % Mathworks documentation on inpolygon: % % % Written by Megan McClean, Ph.D. % Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics % Princeton University % 120 Carl Icahn % Princeton, NJ 08544 % % % Last revised on February 22, 2012 %% %% if ~iscell(filenames) files=dir(filenames); else files=struct('name',[]); for i=1:length(filenames) files(i).name=filenames{i}; end end PeakLocations=[]; for i=1:length(files) [fcsdat, fcshdr] = fca_readfcs(files(i).name); [n,x]=hist(log(fcsdat(Gates{i},col)),Bins); [P,L]=findpeaks(smooth(n,0.30,'loess')); Peaks=sortrows([P L]); if length(P)>1 PeakLocations=[PeakLocations; x(Peaks(end,2)) x(Peaks(end-1,2))]; else PeakLocations=[PeakLocations; x(Peaks(1,2)) x(Peaks(1,2))]; end %Display purposes only if Output==1 figure; hold; plot(x,n); plot(x,smooth(n,0.30,'loess'),'r'); plot(x(L),P,'go') pause; close all; end end