clear all % % Change the name of the .mat file to your file of interest % Change the figBase in order to avoid overwriting your graphs % G1 = load('Dismuke_wk13_ONLY_notestimated_estimation_output.mat'); figBase = 100; Struct1 = G1.GRNstruct; reGraph(Struct1,figBase); figHandles = findobj('Type','figure'); nfig = size(figHandles,1); Strain1 = Struct1.microData(1).Strain; Strain2 = Struct1.microData(2).Strain; Targets = {[Strain1{1} ' data'],[Strain1{1} ' model'],[Strain2{1} ' data'],[Strain2{1} ' model']}; for ii = figBase+1:figBase+nfig figure(ii) legend(Targets,'Location','NorthEastOutside'); figName = ['figure_' num2str(ii)]; saveas(gcf,figName,'jpg') end