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Add your comments to RFC 30 here. See BBF_RFC_20 for an example how comments can be formatted and signed.

Michal Galdzicki, 24/04/09

Raik, This RFC is really helpful. I appreciate the direction it gives for definitions of data formats and your support of RDF/OWL for this purpose. Below I detail some nit-picky comments that came up while reading. I have also included a paragraph which fits as a conclusion. I will consider RFC30 while drafting RFC 31, and that may result in some more comments.

5.2 "Whenever appropriate, extension authors SHOULD re-use definitions from well supported other RDF ontologies"

Consider : "Whenever appropriate, extension authors SHOULD re-use definitions from well established RDF/OWL ontologies, as they constitute standards for other domains science."

5.3 "In any case, a owl:sameAs link SHOULD connect the new standard back to the RDF document of the original proposal."

Consider that owl:sameAs will be interpreted to mean sameAs reciprocally.

Consider another versioning scheme, self defined (active research area I believe)

   *Raik 08:42, 25 April 2009 (EDT):
   I was assuming the BBF would accept the new ontology without changes but may
   prefer to have the elements defined in the BBF name space (which makes life
   easier for everyone). I guess, in this case owl:sameAs would be ok because the
   two copies really are mutually the same. Versioning is indeed a whole different
   issue though... for data *and* for schemata.  

5.4 "The data documents SHOULD be serialized to XML but, depending on the situation, other formats, like Turtle/N3 or JSON MAY be preferred."

Consider adding: " If another serialization is used the format chosen MUST NOT lose or leave out information in the conversion from the original XML serialization."


"That means a simple HTTP GET MUST serve the document just as it would serve an html formatted web page about it. That also means data access SHALL NOT require the initialization of web services or any other kind of remote procedure calls."

Potentially a technical contradiction

HTTP GET may be technically considered a web service it self. "SHALL NOT require" phrase lacks recommended actions that I should take when interpreting the RFC document. Personally, I agree with the sentiment that I think you are expressing; as a first choice data should be served in a way everyone can use it.


"Software that consumes Synthetic Biology data records MUST be able to open, parse and interpret RDF documents. The software SHOULD, at least, parse XML-formatted RDF documents. Support of more specialised and readable formats like turtle/N3 is RECOMMENDED."

This is a little confusing: 1. MUST parse RDF (at least one serialization) a. SHOULD parse XML-RDF b. RECOMMENDED Turtle / N3 According to RFC 0 'The word "SHOULD" or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and care-fully weighed before choosing a different course.' Therefore a = b in objective terms therefore you are not recommending one over the other.

One solution, change to: MUST parse RDF-XML

Another solution, change to say: MAY support Turtle/N3

5.6 "At least in the long term, data stores are also RECOMMENDED to support the SPARQL W3C standard for more complex queries."

SPARQL endpoints are web services, as far as I understand.

Refers back to confusion that may arise from "SHALL NOT require the initialization of web services"

6.1 "Soap" Change to SOAP

Raik 25/04/09

Thanks a lot for the comments! Looks like I was a bit too quick in pushing this out. I suggest we collect some more and then write a joint RFC that replaces RFC 30.