BE Board:Visiting committee

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Student opinion


Topic Areas

Add, subtract as you see fit


  • Students have suggested a variety of changes to bolster the curriculum.
  • In general, students feel the core courses are good preparation for the qualifying exams and provide a good foundation for a PhD, but are divided on the relevance to research.

Advisor Selection Process (Diana)

  • First year funding/Timing of joining labs: we understand that a lack of funding is what limits incoming class sizes. Changing the timing may allow greater flexibility, but the majority of students are happy with the current system, with a few at both extremes.
  • Rotations: Overwhelmingly against required rotations, although the option would be appreciated by some. IAP would be a possible time for rotations.
  • Process: Students would appreciate a list of available faculty (those who have space), but are otherwise happy with the process.

Facilities (Nate & Maxine)

  • Space
  • BATS and seminar space can be emphasized.
  • Proximity?

Career Development (Nate, Jordan)

  • ISS
  • Industry connections - What happens nbow that formal centers like BPEC and BTP are going away?
  • Academic Career Workshops - Are students in BE well prepared to interview for top notch faculty positions?
  • BE Undergraduate Course Development Opportunities
  • Where are current graduates working? (John Kisiday - faculty at Colorado State, Nora Szasz - start-up, Jon Fitzgerald - Merrimack, Jon Szafranski - Guidant, Laurel - industry, Ali K - HST faculty, Jenny Lee - Centacore, Csani Varga - Millenium, Dan Erickson - Sales/Consulting, others?)
  • Where are the remaining gaps?
  • Are more people going to biotech or pharma in industry? Is BE training better received in one sector versus the other?
  • Where are our graduates doing/considering post-docs? Is there a necessity to change fields significantly betond your own interests??

Undergraduate Major (Amy)

Thesis Mentoring (Diana)

  • Most of the mentoring information focuses on career development and mentoring. Very little information about mentoring during the course of the thesis.
  • Thoughts on full vs. joint faculty and their time for students AND knowledge about BE program requirements, etc.
  • Formal mentoring for academic writing.

Faculty Research Directions

Faculty/Student Interactions (Maxine)

ABS/Bioengineering (Paul, Bahar)

General BE Board Activity Updates (Diana, Barry)

  • BE Student Directory with possible Alumni Directory extensions?
  • BE New Events Fund
  • Increasing First-year study breaks
  • New BE Diversity Initiatives