BISC 219/F10: Assignment Series2 Linkage Testing Crosses

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Lab 3 Assignment: Linkage Analysis

At or before the beginning of lab next time, construct a diagram of crosses that you will set up in the Linkage Testing part of Series 2. Use the templates provided. Highlight the progeny that will be used to continue each step of the process of linkage testing. Include the expected results (genotype and phenotype) for both the outcross and self-fertilization progeny. Construct a narrative description that summarizes the rational for this work as part of your overall Series 2 goals and explains how the results will allow you to determine the linkage group to which your mutated gene of interest belongs.

Grading Rubric

Lab 3 Assignment: Linkage Analysis

At or Above Standard Below Standard Possible


Diagram of Crosses All possible cross outcomes diagramed accurately, completely, clearly, and concisely. One or more possible crosses missing; one or more is inaccurate, information omitted , or did not include accurate predicted ratios of progeny for genotype and phenotype. 2.5 __/2.5
Narrative description
of rational for crosses
Constructed a clear, concise, and accurate description of the rational for setting up the crosses described Rational for crosses missing, inaccurate, partially accurate; contains too much tangential information or is too simplified, is unclear 0.5 __/0.5
Narrative description
of Interpretation of Crosses
Constructed a clear, concise, and accurate description of how you will use the crosses to determine the linkage group to which your mutated gene belongs. Interpretation of crosses missing, inaccurate, partially accurate, or unclear; contains too much tangential information or is too simplified. 2 __/2
Total 5 __/5