BME100 f2013:W1200 Group8 L4

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Name: Colby Mark
Name: Hayden McIver
Name: Isia Valdez
Name: Madison Grayson
Name: Andrew Wills
Name: student


Initial Machine Testing

The Original Design
(Add image of the full OpenPCR machine here, from the Week 9 exercise. Write a paragraph description for visitors who have no idea what this is) OpenPCR is a themocycler used to conduct heat through samples of data. This is used to replicate DNA through a series of heating and cooling in order to allow certain chemical reactions to occur.The design is made to prevent any outside reagents from affecting the concentrations of the samples; certain features such as precise temperature control and a heated lid allow there to be no interference with the data. The OpenPCR conveniently connects to your computer and stores the data from every trial.

Experimenting With the Connections

When we unplugged (part 3) from (part 6), the machine ... (did what? fill in your answer)

When we unplugged the white wire that connects (part 6) to (part 2), the machine ... (did what? fill in your answer)

Test Run

(Write the date you first tested Open PCR and your experience(s) with the machine)


Thermal Cycler Program

DNA Sample Set-up

row 1 cell 1 row 1 cell 2 row 1 cell 3 row 1 cell 4
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2 row 2 cell 3 row 2 cell 4

DNA Sample Set-up Procedure

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3...

PCR Reaction Mix

  • What is in the PCR reaction mix?

DNA/ primer mix

  • What is in the DNA/ primer mix?

Research and Development

PCR - The Underlying Technology

(Add a write-up, essay-style, organized into paragrpahs with descriptive headers, based on the Q&A's from Section three of your worksheet)
Functions of each component of a PCR Reaction
The first step is to gather Template DNA this is a double stranded DNA that is separated and then used to form the replicated DNA. Then primers are added to the solution and these are man-made DNA sequences that contain nucleotides which bind to part of the DNA segment that we want to be replicate. The next step is to add TAQ Polymerase these are sequences of proteins similar to an enzyme that attaches to the primer and adds the nucleotides to the segment where the primers are located in order to replicate the DNA. There are also ways to speed and slow down the replication process, by adding Magnesium Chloride. Magnesium acts as a catalyst to speed up the reaction by binding the taq polymerase to the primers and DNA. There should not be too little as this will cause the binding to slow, or stop all together. If there is too much, the DNA replication process with begin working too fast and could skip sequences, which would lead to errors in replicating the strands. Lastly, Deoxyribonucleotides which are DNA nucleotides base pair with the original DNA strand with the help of the TAQ Polymerase to form copy DNA.

(BONUS points: Use a program like Powerpoint, Word, Illustrator, Microsoft Paint, etc. to illustrate how primers bind to the cancer DNA template, and how Taq polymerases amplify the DNA. Screen-captures from the PCR video/ tutorial might be useful. Be sure to credit the sources if you borrow images.)