BME100 s2017:Group6 W1030AM L3

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Name: Jasmine Garcia
Name: Maryl Harris
Name: Francesca Hoskyns
Name: Brandon Mallory
Name: Christian Quintana
Name: Marcos Delgado


Descriptive Stats and Graph

Oral Thermometer Pulse Ox Sensor for Temperature Sensor for Heart Rate
MEAN 96.64716 98.08976 95.53086 98.94078
STAND. DEV. 1.922602 23.03054 0.870378 24.83748

Correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) between 1) the oral thermometer and Spree Band and 2) the pulse ox and the Spree Band.

  • Temperature: r = 0.192798
  • Heart rate: r = 0.690806489

Inferential Stats

Run statistical analysis to compare the 1) oral thermometer and Spree Band and 2) the pulse ox and the Spree Band.

  • Temperature: t = 0.192798
  • Heart rate: t = 0.427116193

Design Flaws and Recommendations

Summary of Results The oral thermometer is more accurate than the spree when measuring body temperature. With heart rate however, the results from the spree were very close to the pulse oximeter. This means that the spree is fairly accurate in measuring heart rate, but not as accurate with measuring body temperature.

Experimental Design of Own Device

When testing our product it is important to include a variety of people in order to make it comfortable and credible for the consumer. To test the contacts, we will need 25 people who wear monthly contacts regularly. We will also want a portion of the subjects to suffer from dry eyes in order to test for comfortability and see if our product helps or worsens their condition. With their prescription, they will be issued three pairs of contact lenses to test for the period of one month for each pair. A weekly visual analogue scale will be conducted in order to ask the subjects about the pros and cons of the contacts during usage. Things to ask them about would include vision clarity, irritation, and dryness. We will also and more importantly be testing the accuracy of our expiration indicator. This indicator will change the color of the ring of the contact once they have been worn for the appropriate amount time. The consistency of this indicator is essential because it is the sole purpose of our product. After the testing period, the results will show the strengths and weaknesses of the lenses and help us in perfecting any inconsistencies for the user. The purpose of our design is to indicate to contact users when they should remove their lenses. It’s hard to put an exact expiration date on regular soft lenses because it can vary for each person. A solution has been created that can change color after a certain amount of time has passed and by obtaining the license to this solution, it can be added to the rim of the contacts. This will allow for the ring of the lens to change color in order to show that they are expired and shouldn’t be used any longer. This product will help to reduce discomfort from overusing contacts and help consumers know when it’s time to switch to a new pair.