BME103:T130 Group 12 l2

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Name: James
Open PCR machine engineer
Name: Heidi Hall
Open PCR machine engineer
Name: Justin Landstrom Student
Protocol Planner
Name: Chaio
Protocol Planner
Name: Jake
R&D scientist


Thermal Cycler Engineering

Our re-design is based upon the Open PCR system originally designed by Josh Perfetto and Tito Jankowski.

System Design
The two parts below that will be removed are the the knob and the bolt attached to it. These parts are present on the lid as a tightening mechanism but will be removed to improve the design. On the side of the picture are the two heating plates present in the lid. To compensate for removing the tightening mechanism, the plates will be lowered to make contact with the samples in the heating block at the point the lid snaps into place.

Below is the top part of the general body of the PCR machine. It will be altered so buttons can be placed next to the LED screen.

Key Features




Supplied in the Kit Amount
PCR Machine (assembled) 1
Power Cord 1
Flourimeter Box 1
Flourimeter 1
Hydrophobic Slides 5

Supplied by User Amount
Camera Phone 1
DNA Samples & Target Mix As many as desired
Bulb pipettes As many as desired
SYBR Green As much as desired
Computer w/ ImageJ Software 1

PCR Protocol

DNA Measurement Protocol

Research and Development

Background on Disease Markers

HIV is a virus that causes A.I.D.S. (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV affects the immune system by attacking specific cells that help the immune system work. These include the T Cells that help the white blood cells fend off bacteria, disease, and viruses. A SNP related HIV is rs1024611 and it affects Chromosome 17.

Primer Design
