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BME377T: Social Entrepreneurship & Engineering

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3: Projects

Projects have been posted. These will be done in groups of 4. Please read the project details carefully. Budget your time wisely. The first two projects must be completed and presented to the class BEFORE Spring Break. There will be lots of class time to work on these projects with your group.

2: Social Entrepreneurship research & Collage Materials

Bring to class a topic: social entrepreneur, organization, or endeavor (research before class); in class, discuss these in smallish groups while making collages.

1a: Create Username on OWW

  1. Go to OWW front page
  2. Click on "join us" in the front page blurb
  3. Create a username, First M Last, First M. Last, or just First Last. You should receive a confirmation e-mail shortly.
  4. Click on your username and edit your profile.
  5. Link your username profile to the People page of our class website so that your name appears without underscores. Alphabetize yourselves by last name!
  6. Click PREVIEW to ensure you have done this correctly.
  7. Click SAVE to save your results before you exit the window.
  8. At this point, you should feel pretty curious about the wiki and should explore our class website and the OWW wiki. Remember to help your peers!

1b: Create Your Personal Elevator Speech

We are all students that attend UT studying BME. This is all given. But what do we NOT know about each other? This is your opportunity to show your peers what other interests (hobbies, talents, skills, jobs, favorites) you have with a 1ish-min personal introduction about yourself. In this assignment, you will:

  • Create a 3-slide power point presentation.
    • Slide 1: your first and last name in any font or graphical representation that pleases you.
    • Slide 2: first interest (i.e. I believe in recycling) with some kind of graphic (picture/video clip of you in action).
    • Slide 3: favorite something (i.e. music, show, movie, book, quote, etc.), again with some kind of graphic representation.

For your presentation, follow each topic with a short blurb about why you chose that interest (i.e. I got fined for "messing with Texas" and quickly realized that I should rid my guilt of littering and start a recycling initiative on campus!).
This is your opportunity to share your interests and beliefs with the rest of the class. Seriously, we ARE interested in other things about you besides school. Let's have fun!

Please e-mail your power point to jennytnguyen[at]gmail[dot]com by Wednesday 4pm!
Title the file: elevator_Last_First (i.e. elevator_Nguyen_Jenny)

Elevator speeches posted here