Biomod/2012/Tohoku/Team Sendai

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<!-- ヘッダー --> <div id="Header"> <h1 style="margin-top:-50px;"><!--Team Sendai--><img src="" ></h1> <p>Tohoku University</p> </div>

<!-- Menu --> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href=" ">Top</a></li> <li><a href=" ">Project</a></li> <li><a href="">Simulation</a> </li> <li><a href="">Design</a> </li> <li> <a href=" ">Experiment</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Method</a> <ul> <li> <a href="">Porter</a> <li> <a href="">Cylinder</a> </li> <li> <a href=" Vesicle">Vesicle</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="">Result</a> <ul> <li> <a href="">Porter</a> <li> <a href="">Cylinder</a> </li> <li> <a href=" Vesicle">Vesicle</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="">Achievement</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Diary</a> </li> <li> <a href=" ">Team</a> </li> <li> <a href="">FAQ</a> </li> </ul>

<!—二段組み本文 --> <text-align="center"><h1>We want to create a new channel made of DNA!</h1> <p> We want to create a channel that does not exist in nature. DNA is a designable molecule and has interaction with various biomolecules. Thus, a channel made of DNA enables to transport more various biomolecules against energy gradient. Such a new channel will be used…</br> 1. In medical care, because it can transport new molecules that are unable to be transported into cells without DNA.</br> 2. For sampling what we want from cells.</br> 3. For BIOROOMBA by compositing with artificial liposome.( Off course use for DDS)</br> </p>

<div id="pop"> <h2><!--Abstract-->Project Image</h2> <img src="" alt="D-Heart" width="400px"><br> </div>

<div id="pop"> <h2>Movie</h2> <!-- <p>Coming soon</p> --> <br><br> <p style="text-align:center;"> <table style="border-style:solid;border-width:10px;width:400px;height:291px;background-color:black;border-color:#bbb;text-align:center;valign:middle;font-color:white;"> <tr> <td style="color:white;">Coming soon...</td> </tr> </table> </p> </div> <h1 style="width:900px;clear:left;margin:15px;"> Abstract</h1> <p style="width:900px;clear:left;margin:15px;"> &nbsp;All the creatures on Earth are made of cells. The exterior and the interior of the cell are compartmentalized by biomembranes. A nanodevice that is able to actively transport only the specific oligonucleotide through the biomembrane has a great potential to deliver siRNA into the cell or to extract mRNA expressed in the cell.<br> Here, we decided to create a novel device with such a function. <br> We have designed a cylindrical injector/extractor device made of DNA origami. Inside the cylinder, a cascade of single stranded DNAs is planted. Once the outer-most ssDNA binds to a target oligonucleotide, the target is passed to the inner-ones one by one because of the higher bonding energy assigned to the inner ones.<br> We also investigate how the cylinder penetrates the biomembrane by using liposome as a model membrane.<br> <br> </p>

<a href="">Test page</a>


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