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Fig2.Molecular engine</div>
Fig2.Molecular engine</div>

Revision as of 07:32, 26 October 2013

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<h2>Future</h2> The advantage of our system is that large quantity of substances can be released in any limited place at any timing. <br> <!--私たちのプロジェクトを応用すれば以下のようなことが実現できる可能性がある<br>--> <br>Our project will realize the following application.

<img src=""><br><br>

<h3>Example 1 <!--血管の炎症の感知と治療<br> -->Sensing and curing inflammations in blood vessels</h3>

<!-- 自分の血管で起こっている炎症の中には痛みを感じず、自分の知らない間に悪化してしまう。<br>  これらのシグナルを早期に発見するためには検査回数を増やすという方法しかなかった。 私たちのプロジェクトを応用すれば無自覚に進行している炎症を早期に発見して治療することができそうだ。<br> 血管の炎症からはC-反応性タンパク質(CRP)というシグナルが出ている。<br> ファーストステージでは表面にホスホリルコリン(CRPと反応するリン脂質の一種)を含むリポソームが炎症部位を感知して割れる。内部の鍵DNAが放出される。<br> セカンドステージでは鍵DNAがハイブリすることで割れる。内部に薬を入れておくことで狭い炎症部位に効果的に薬分子を放出できる。<br><br> -->

As it is hard to recognize inflammations in blood vessels, they could get worse while you don’t know. <br> The only way to detect these inflammations has been undergoing physical checkups constantly. However, our project would enables us to detect these inflammations and gives us to enough time to cure them. In the case of inflammations in blood vessels, C-reactive protein (CRP) is released. Liposomes conjugated with phosphorylcholine (one of phosphatides; it reacts CRP) sense the inflammation area, breaks and release the key DNAs there. <br> Then, the released key DNAs hybridize and break other liposomes. By confining medicines in the liposomes, you can release them at narrow inflammation area effectively. <br><br>

<!--血管の炎症だけでなく無自覚に進行してしまうガンなどの治療やにも使えるだろう。--> The application is not limited to inflammations. Our project would also offer effective treatment for cancer. As it can sense even unrecognizable trigger signal and releases large amount of drugs in a limited space, it would help us to detect cancer cells early and prevent side effects by anti-cancer agents. <br> <br> <div align="center"> <img src="" width="75%" height="75%"><br> Fig1.Sensing and curing inflammations in blood vessels </div> <h3>Example 2 molecular engine</h3>

Moreover, focusing on the chain reaction, our system can be applied to long-lasting batteries for molecular engines. If some fuel for molecular engines (such as ATP) is packed inside the liposome, and the liposome is combined with some molecular motors (such as motor proteins), the fuel can be constantly supplied to the molecular motor by only one time initiation of the reaction. <br> The molecular motor would lead to molecular engines, and in the end, sophisticated molecular robots. Our system would make it possible to achieve molecular robots moving without continuous fuel supply from the outside.<br><br>

<div align="center"> <img src="" width="95%" height="380px"><br> Fig2.Molecular engine</div>



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