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<div id="LAB-BOOK-TOP"> </div> <div id="LAB-BOOK-REPEAT"> <div style="width: 85%; margin-left: 12%; margin-right: 3%"> <img src="" /> <br><br> On this page you’ll find a whole bunch of drawings, photos and 3D models of design concepts, abandoned ideas and previous iterations of our final design. We thought you might like to see what our design process looks like from the inside! Enjoy! <br><br> <div id="sketchGallery" > <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The original idea - sketched by our fearless leader" href=""> <img alt="The original idea - sketched by our fearless leader" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The original idea - sketched by our fearless leader" href=""> <img alt="The original idea - sketched by our fearless leader" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="An idea regarding the form of the unit- sketched at the pub" href=""> <img alt="An idea regarding the form of the unit- sketched at the pub" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Brainstorming" href=""> <img alt="Brainstorming" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Early concepts" href=""> <img alt="Early concepts" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Conformational spread" href=""> <img alt="Conformational spread" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Nomenclature" href=""> <img alt=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Alternate designs" href=""> <img alt="Alternate designs" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="An early design for our cooperative biosensor" href=""> <img alt="An early design for our cooperative biosensor" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The first complete design for our cooperative biosensor" href=""> <img alt="The first complete design for our cooperative biosensor" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The first complete design in its closed configuration" href=""> <img alt="The first complete design in its closed configuration" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The first complete design in its open configuration" href=""> <img alt="The first complete design in its open configuration" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="An alternate idea we had about linking multiple barrels together" href=""> <img alt="An alternate idea we had about linking multiple barrels together" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Some problems with that alternate idea..." href=""> <img alt="Some problems with that alternate idea..." src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="A new idea on how to put together the cooperative design" href=""> <img alt="A new idea on how to put together the cooperative design" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The model of our final design, shown at molecular-level" href=""> <img alt="The model of our final design, shown at molecular-level" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="We had a neat idea about how to link strands to construct our barrel..." href=""> <img alt="We had a neat idea about how to link strands to construct our barrel..." src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The simplified CAD model of our final design" href=""> <img alt="The simplified CAD model of our final design" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Illustrations and annotations of our final design - putting a lot of work into these made it easier for everyone on the team to be on the same page." href=""> <img alt="Illustrations and annotations of our final design" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Some ideas for our team logo" href=""> <img alt="Some ideas for our team logo" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The little sketch that gave rise to our final team logo" href=""> <img alt="The little sketch that gave rise to our final team logo" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Our final logo" href=""> <img alt="Our final logo" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="A page from the storyboard for our video" href=""> <img alt="A page from the storyboard for our video" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Some stills from the animatic we made from the storyboards - making a cheap-and-cheerful animation while still refining the script allowed us to check timings and see if it it was all going to flow." href=""> <img alt="Some stills from the animatic we made from the storyboards" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="A page of instructions from the dude making the movie to the dude animating the cooperative biosensor" href=""> <img alt="A page of instructions from the dude making the movie to the dude animating the cooperative biosensor" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="An early design concept for our website" href=""> <img alt="An early design concept for our website" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Another early design concept for our website" href=""> <img alt="Another early design concept for our website" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Yet another early design concept for our website" href=""> <img alt="Yet another early design concept for our website" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Narrowing down the design concept for our website" href=""> <img alt="Narrowing down the design concept for our website" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The placeholder web page we put up while we were building it properly" href=""> <img alt="The placeholder web page we put up while we were building it properly" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Our team apparel design" href=""> <img alt="Our team apparel design" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="The back of our team hoodie" href=""> <img alt="The back of our team hoodie" src=""/> </a> <a data-lightbox="Sketchbook" data-title="Doing an all-nighter before the wiki freeze deadline" href=""> <img alt="Doing an all-nighter before the wiki freeze deadline" src=""/> </a>

</div> <br><br> <a id="next-link" href="">Click here to go back to the Lab Book Overview</a> </div> </div> </div>

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