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  	    <li class='active '><a href=""><span>Home</span></a></li>
  	    <li class='has-sub'><a href=""><span>Idea</span></a>
  	            <li><a href=''><span>Background</span></a></li>
                   <li><a href=''><span>Motivation</span></a></li>
                   <li><a href=''><span>Calculation</span></a></li>
           <li class='has-sub'><a href=""><span>Project</span></a>
  	            <li><a href=" replacement reaction"><span>Strand Replacement Reaction</span></a></li>
                   <li><a href=" of au-dna-cy3"><span> Synthesis of AU-DNA-CY3</span></a></li>
                   <li><a href=" origami"><span>DNA Origami</span></a></li>
           <li class='active'><a href=""><span>Protocol</span></a> 


           <li class='active '><a href=""><span>Members and Acknowledgement</span></a>

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<a name="strand replacement reaction"></html>

Strand Replacement Reaction

<html></a></html> xbzxbgafasdgasgvwaq

<html><a name="synthesis of au-dna-cy3"></html>

Synthesis of AU-DNA-CY3


<html><a name="dna origami"></html>

Fig 1. Lasers trigger the photothermal effect and the local temperature raises above the melting temperature of the DNA duplex, which allows the nonthiolated strand to dissociate into the surrounding medium while its complementary remains attached to the gold nanoparticle.

For the purpose of assembling the origami-GNPs complex,i.e. attaching GNPs to DNA origami as illustrated in Figure 1, we use thiol-modified oligonucleotides (short synthetic DNA sequences), which can be loaded onto the surface of GNPs to combine GNPs and DNA. And we choose Cy3 fluorescent dye to target the DNA strand for the detection of combination. GNPs are fixed onto the DNA origami by linking them to staple strands whose 5’end are modified with lipoic acid. Upon hybridization between DNA tails on DNA origami and single staple strands on GNPs, GNPs are attached to the DNA origami, resulting in the formation of origami-GNPs complex. DNA origami is used for in vivo delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs in our project. Originally, the photothermal property of GNPs was used in biologically relevant studies to destroy cancer cells, while, in our project, it has been harnessed as a means to optically elicit the release of drugs encapsulated in DNA origami.

DNA Origami

<html></a></html> ahjfjdpasfjopafj

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