Chris Rhodes Week 3

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  1. From GenBank I added the Fasta sequence of AF016760, AFO016761, AFO016767, AFO016780, and AFO016787 to the WorkBench nucleotide tools, ran a ClustalW multiple sequence allignment using the default parameters and took a screenshot:File:CHR Image1 20110914
  2. I also looked at the unrooted genetic tree and took a screenshot: File:CHR Image2 20110914
  3. I added the nucleic acid sequence of both .txt files on the WorkBench.
  4. From the sequences I ran a ClustalW allignment of: S12V1-1, S12V1-2, S12V1-3, S13V1-2, S13V1-3, S13V1-4, S14V1-4, S14V1-5, S14V1-6, S15V1-10, S15V1-11, S15V1-12 and took a screenshot of the alignment and the unrooted genetic tree: File:CHR Image3 20110914 File:CHR Image4 20110914
  5. To calculate the S value of a particular alignment I selected all of Subject 8's clones and ran a ClustalW alignment.File:CHR Image5 20110914

This was also done for Subject 9 File:CHR Image6 20110914 and Subject 10 File:CHR Image7 20110914

  1. From these alignments S and Theta were calculated and using Clustdist for each alignment the Min and Max differences were determined. (See Results: Activity 2 Part 2: Analysis Table)



Activity 1, Part 2: GenBank

  1. AF016760, AFO016761, AFO016767, AFO016780, and AFO016787
  2. These gene sequences all came from subject 1

Activity 2, Part 1

  1. Clones from each subject tend to cluster together on the unrooted genetic tree
  2. Some subject clusters are much closer to each other on the tree than others specifically Subjects 13,14,and 15
    1. From the pattern of clustering seen in the genetic tree it seems that the genetic tree separates individual sequences based on their similarity to each other. The closer one sequence is to another on the tree, the more closely those two sequences are related to each other in terms of sequence similarity or evolutionary time.

  1. Chris Rhodes User Page
  2. Week 2 Journal
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  6. Week 6 Journal
  7. Week 7 Journal
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  9. Week 9 Journal
  10. Week 10 Journal
  11. Week 11 Journal
  12. Week 12 Journal
  13. Week 13 Journal
  14. Week 14 Journal
  15. Home Page
  16. Week 5 Assignment Page
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  19. Week 8 Assignment Page
  20. Week 9 Assignment Page
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  22. Week 11 Assignment Page
  23. Week 12 Assignment Page
  24. Week 13 Assignment Page
  25. Week 14 Assignment Page