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Recent members

Alex Holcombe
• Ryo Nakayama


Skills Checklist
Python Programming
Psychopy/VisionEgg Installation Notes
R analysis,plot,stats
Buttonbox with photocell
Programming Cheat Sheets


Mostly the lab uses PsychoPy. Some are still using VisionEgg. Both are libraries to help python code draw stuff.

Some nice easy programming exercises for Psychopy available from Gary Lupyan, developed for his postgrad psych class. Get your Psychopy programming questions answered at the mailing list.

If you're moving to Psychopy/Python from Matlab, SciPy has a good introduction to Python for Matlab Users.

Our psychopy and visionegg installation notes .

To understand Dani's programs, there are two steps. First, you must learn Spanish.

Python programming (outside of the Psychopy editor, as is required for VisionEgg)

Running python interactively from the Terminal alone is frustrating because you can't use arrow keys for history, no auto-complete, etc. You will probably want to use some IDE.

never have your data file overwritten again! include the following lines in your python code:

from time import localtime,strftime
timeAndDateStr = strftime("%d_%b_%Y_%H:%M", localtime())
filename = 'aBindingExpData_'    #include here whatever you want
filename = filename + timeAndDateStr  #filename will now have date time and year tacked on the end,
outputFileStream = open(filename, 'a')
#### e.g. 'aBindingExpData_04_Aug_2008_22:46'

Also don't lose track of what program generated the data, take advantage of sys.argv which gives the invoking program name and include code something like: import sys print >>logF, 'running script "',sys.argv[0],'"'

scipy array tip sheet

Data analysis

programming in R (data analysis) Python programming for data analysis