ICampus Application for OWW

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The MIT-Microsoft Alliance has provided funds for the development of tools to help research in technology education. This page will be used to collaboratively develop an application for funds to push OWW to be a more useful tool.

Preliminary Student Proposal Questions

  1. Title for this proposal
    • Give a short, descriptive title for this project
  2. Name and email address of proposer
    • The proposer must be a registered MIT student (graduate or undergraduate). You must supply a valid email address that we can use to communicate with you. List only one address only. This person will be the point of contact for all communications about the proposal. This person also must be the person who mails in the proposal, with the correct FROM email address.
  3. Project description
    • Please provide a brief (a few paragraphs at most) description of the proposed project.
  4. Significance
    • Describe, as succinctly and as compellingly as you can, why you think this project is significant - from an educational perspective, a technical perspective, or other.
  5. Key participants
    • Who are the key participants in this project? What year are they at MIT? Will they all still be students through the fall semester 2006?
  6. Goals for the spring
    • List two or three specific milestones to be achieved in the project by May 2006.
  7. Goals for the one-year project
    • List two or three specific milestones to be achieved in the project by December 2006.
  8. Funding
    • What kinds of things are you requesting funding for (e.g., what equipment, UROP positions, other)?
  9. Advisor
    • Who is your project advisor?
  10. Other
    • Any other comments or questions.


MIT iCampus Student Awards page List of Past Student Projects