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Part T9002: Transfer Function Characterisation


The motivation behind this test construct is to characterise the transfer function linking AHL input to GFP output.

This will allow us to construct a standard transfer function curve which will allow us to relate GFP output to an unknown AHL input, forming the basis of an AHL assay.

Materials & Equipment

  • Equipment
    • Wallac Victor 3 Multi-Well Fluorimeter
    • 12 Ependorf Tubes
    • Gilson Pippettes
    • 37oC Shaker
    • T9002 Report Sheet
  • Materials
    • Dilution series of AHL [1nM, 5nM, 10nM, 50nM, 500nM, 100nM, 1mM] /* need better spread AHL level according to log scale*/
    • GFP Standard Solution
    • E.coli Growth Medium w/Ampicilin (LB/M9)
    • E.coli DH5a Culture Containing T9002



  • Inoculate a culture from 10ul of stored T9002 in 2ml LB/M9 growth medium containing 50ug/ml Ampicilin.
  • Incubate at 37oC for overnight in a shaker. __HIDER__


This is to get a good stock of cells for use in the experiment. After the overnight culture the cells will be in stationary phase

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  • Following day, prewarm LB/M9 to 37oC by placing in the 37oC incubator __HIDER__


Use the grey non-shaking incubator in the teaching lab. This is done now so that when you need to use the media later on it'll be prewarmed


  • Measure and record OD600_1 in report sheet


  • Inoculate a 8ml fresh culture from the o/n to bring back the OD600 to 0.1, use prewarmed LB/M9 + Ampicilin. __HIDER__


Using prewarmed LB/M9 prevents a temperature shock to the culture, which would increase lag time

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  • Volume used to inoculate new culture = (0.1/OD600_1)*8ml
  • Return LB/M9 to 37oC incubator


  • Incubate new culture at 37oC for 2 hours in a shaker __HIDER__


This returns cells to exponential phase from stationary phase

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  • After the 2 hours measure and record the OD600_2 in report sheet


  • Dilute again for an OD of 0.1 in a new culture of 15ml of a prewarmed LB/M9 + Ampicilin. __HIDER__


This dilution gives a standard OD to which to innoculate the culture with AHL (in this case 0.1). Innoculating at different ODs is known to give different results, so it is important a standard OD is used

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  • Volume used to inoculate new culture = (0.1/OD600_2)*15ml
  • Vortex new T9002 culture.
  • Put 990ul of the culture into 11 seperate 1.5ml eppendorf tubes to start AHL incubation:
    • Label each tube with AHL concentration
    • Add AHL from stock
    • Record time of AHL inoculation in report sheet.
    • Vortex each tube

Sample (ul) Stock Concentration AHL (ul) Final AHL Concentration
990 1000uM 10 10uM
990 100uM 10 1uM
990 10uM 10 100nM
990 5uM 10 50nM
990 1uM 10 10nM
990 500nM 10 5nM
990 100nM 10 1nM
990 50nM 10 0.5nM
990 10nM 10 0.1nM
990 1nM 10 0.01nM
1000 N/A 0 0nM

T9002 96 well plate

we should optimize usage of the 96 plate, more samples needed maybe from different colonies

  • Add a 200uL sample from each eppendorf tube to the 96 well plate.
  • Do this for 4 repeats following suggested patterning (see above)
  • Add 4 x 200uL of growth medium to a well to act as a control.
  • Incubate the 96 well palte in a 37oC shaker for 4 hours so GFP expression can reach steady state.
  • After the 4 hours add 4 x 200uL of 200x diluted GFP standard solution


  • Take 3 readings with a 20 minute interval __HIDER__


IE Readings at 4h, 4h20 and 4h40

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  • Taking readings
    • Take the plate from shaker and take it to the plate reader room
    • Use the Victor3 to measure flourescence and absorbance


  • Return the plate to the 37C water bath __HIDER__


There should be a 37oC water bath in the plate reader room with a plastic tub in it. Place the plate in the tub. Don't forget to turn the water bath on before use!

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  • Save data file from computer. __HIDER__


You'll need a memory stick to save the information to. Unfortunatley the computer isn't networked

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Any questions, see Tom.

Last Updated: Tom 14:53, 14 August 2006 (BST)

Many thanks to Drew Endy and Barry Canton from MIT for providing the protocol on which this is based.

Potential Issues

  • We should make a frozen stock of T9002. Maybe 4-5 different colonies from a plate.
  • M9 or LB?
    • Need information from J37015 as to whether AHL production can be accomplished in M9
  • What is the GFP standard solution? Do we know its concentration? How stable is that? half life?
  • JS: Please can you write a protocol that will decouple other experiments with this one in case we want to assay an unknown concentration of AHL. Thanks. (i.e. take an unknown concentration of AHL of x amount into the T9002....measure flourescence...etc)
