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iGEM2007@Imperial in Fun & Pictures

A crash course on wikis given by our Wiki-Experts Dirk van Swaay and Ben Yi Tew

Vincent is surprised by Alex and James thinking
3-port AND with a clock

Alex explains
Anthony and Lucas discuss the control mechanism

Nearly done for the day
Lucas explains the control mechanism

The Bacto-insulin concept
Ben, Peixuan, Cheuk, Alex, Maira, and Anthony at the "round" table

James, Jerry, Lucas, and Ben
James taking notes

The pH sensor concept
Splitting into groups

The heater concept
At the back: Ben and Cheuk; At the front: James, Peixuan, Alex; Hiding: Maira

Our busy room
The Biofilm Saboteurs concept

Kirsten, Frank, and Vincent, scheming
ICGEMs, after having their project proposals approved

ICGEMs, after having their project proposals approved
Lucas, Peixuan, and Ben

The "Mood Chart"

I once caught a fish thiiiis big in Cyprus...

We walk back to the office after a team cloning exercise.

Ppx getting harassed by paparazzi...
Ppx getting harassed by paparazzi...

Ppx getting harassed by paparazzi...
Ppx getting harassed by paparazzi...

Ppx getting harassed by paparazzi...
Sunday night - another day at the office.