IGEM:IMPERIAL/2007/Projects/Biofilm Detector/Notes

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Biofilm Detection: Notes


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Diffusion through the biofilm:

Effective diffusion depend on solute type and density of biofilm. Mean relative effective diffusive permeability (De/$aq) of different solutes:

  • inorganic anions or cations - 0.56
  • nonpolar solutes (with molecular weights of 44 or less) - 0.43
  • organic solutes (molecular weight greater than 44) - 0.29

Effective diffusive permeabilities decrease sharply with increasing biomass volume fraction suggesting a serial resistance model of diffusion in biofilms. Large solutes are effectively excluded from microbial cells, small solutes partition into and diffuse within cells, and ionic solutes are excluded from cells but exhibit increased diffusive permeability (but decreased effective diffusion coefficients)due to sorption to the biofilm matrix. (21)

When substances diffuse into biofilms, they are not distributed evenly, due to the clusters of cells within the biofilm. This provides protective pockets for biofilms, from which regrowth can occur. (22)


The metabolism of cells is different at different depths within the biofilm. At the deepest level of a mature biofilm, anaerobic respiration may predominate.

Clusters of nitrite oxidizers crowd around distinct clusters of ammonia oxidizers (20, 29) (see references above). Thus, is the metabolic waste product of the ammonia oxidizers, nitrite, made available to the bacteria that can use it as a substrate for oxidation. The activities of these commingled species lead to the consumption of ammonia and oxygen near the biofilm surface and the simultaneous production and consumption of nitrite slightly below the biofilm surface.

On Biofilm Formation

Biofilm Formation

Biofilm Formation

There are three stages of biofilm formation:

  1. The initial attachments of microorganisms to a surface.
  2. After a certain density is reached a 'slime capsule' is built up. This capsule is composed of exopolysacchorides that are secreted from the cell.
  3. The final stage is the growth of the biofilm to form the distinct architecture that is associated with biofilms. Biofilms are composed of layers, much like our own skin, these layers has very specific architecture.

Toggle Switch Summary

Toggle Switch is interfaced with a transgenic Quorum signaling pathway that detects AHL and transcribes a gene which inhibits the growth of biofilm when cell population reaches a threshold density. We seek to use this for keeping the amount of biofilm at a maximum level. In addition to stopping growth the toggle switch will also turn the biofilm green when the threshold is reached.

Adhesion Problems

Factors Affecting Bacterial Adhesion:

  • Biological:
    • Osmolarity & Growth Phase: OmpZ/OmpA
    • Membrane Stress : Cpx pathway & Rcs Pathway
  • Physical:
    • Hydrophobicity of surface
    • Roughness of surface
    • [PVC is easily bound to - Harvard1998]