IGEM:IMPERIAL/2007/Projects/Biofilm Detector/Specifications

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Infector Detector: Specifications

Specification v.2 (Most Recent)

We have had to reconsider our original specifications due to :

  1. Phase 1 Manufacturing revealed that 1nM is undetectable by system therefore cannot meet minimum sensing requirement
  2. Further literature research revealed that fortunetly [AHL]=0.1nM doesn't seem to be correct target, it is more towards the [AHL]=50nM mark.

The infector detector system must:

  • be able to detect AHL present in its surroundings and report it
  • have sensitivity to AHL of at least 50nM[1]
  • output a signal visible to naked eye within 3 hours (response time)
  • have a reporter whose sensitivity increases with increasing [AHL]
  • be applied through a gel spray or cream
  • work within temperatures between 20-30˚C (as the biofilm detector is to be used within a hospital)
  • work in a pH range of 6-8
  • not contaminate the environment it is exposed to
  • be portable and convenient to use

Specification v.1 (Out of Date)

The infector detector system must:

  • be able to detect AHL present in its surroundings and report it
  • have sensitivity to AHL of at least 0.1nM[1]
  • output a signal visible to naked eye within 3 hours (response time)
  • have a reporter whose sensitivity increases with increasing [AHL]
  • be applied through a gel spray or cream
  • work within temperatures between 20-30˚C (as the biofilm detector is to be used within a hospital)
  • work in a pH range of 6-8
  • not contaminate the environment it is exposed to
  • be portable and convenient to use
  • have a lifespan of 4 days

  1. [AHL_conc]