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  1. Polystyrene Assay
    • Morning: get correct OD
    • Add AHL
    • Afternoon: Test
  2. Digest I13500
  3. Ligate 3A with I13500 and Mer in pSB1AT3 (so that, if we combine with polystyrene-binding plasmid into a single cell, can test for presence of both plasmids)
    • run overnight
  4. dilute sequencing primers
    • sequence PHIE6P
    • sequence F2620+B0034+CPX
  5. Order T7 antibody

Digestion of I13500

  • Made two mixtures
4.5 µl I13500 (Miniprep #1, 223.5 ng/µl)
1 µl   XbaI
1 µl   PstI
0.5 µl BSA
5 µl   NEB3 Buffer
38 µl  H20
50 µl  Total
  • Placed in 37C @ 10:20am --> Take out @ 1:20pm

PCR Purification of Digested I13500 (JCH)

  • Nanodrop: 23.3 ng/µL

3A Ligation of Mer promoter+Mer regulatory protein (pTO40) and RBS+GFP (I13500) into pSB1AT3

Part          Length          Nanodrop
pSB1AT3       3450 bp         125 ng/µl
pT040         700             29.9
I13500        740             23.3
  • Ligation Mixtures Calculations
Backbone: (50 ng) / (125 ng/µl) = 0.4 µl of pSB1AT3
Insert 1: 29.9x = (4)(700/3450)(50) --> x = 1.357 µl of Mer
Insert 2: 23.3x = (4)(740/3450)(50) --> x = 1.841 µl of I13500 (cut with X and P)
  • Ligation Mixtures
+ "iGEM 7/23 Lig + mer+I13500 in 1AT3"

0.4  µl pSB1AT3
1.36 µl pT040 (Mer)
1.84 µl I13500 (RBS+GFP)
0.5  µl ligase (T4)
2.0  µl ligase buffer 10x (T4)
13.9 µl H2O

20.0 µl total

Diluted BioBrick Sequencing Primers

You can find the stock eppendorfs in the unnamed -20C fridge (Jason+Barry's room). Diluted from 100 µM stock to 32.2 µM with total volume of 1.55 mL each. Made 1 VF2 and 1 VR for iGEM use.

Polystyrene Assay Protocol

* Cell Lines: ** Controls: DH5-alpha (not transformed) ** FHUA PHIE6 --> IPTG ** CPX --> AHL *Media: **H20 **PBS **PBS + Tween + BSA *Protocol #Add AHL/IPTG to Liquid Culture #Wait an hour for AHL induced expression #Incubate wells in wash media for 30 minutes on rocker at speed 5 #Centrifuge cells out of Liquid Culture media #Resuspend in wash media #Add cells to appropriate well #Place on rocker for 1 hour at speed 5 #Aspirate/Pipet out media in wells