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June 12, 2007

Primers - crp ORF

crp ORF (view sequence: [1])

Ggaattcgcggccgcttctagag ATGGTGCTTGGCAAACC Forward primer
TmC 60 
ctgcagcggccgctactagta TTAACGAGTGCCGTAAAC Reverse Primer
TmC 57

xylR ORF (view sequence: [2])

Ggaattcgcggccgcttctagag CCATGTTTACTAAACGTCAC Forward primer
TmC 56
ctgcagcggccgctactagta CTACAACATGACCTCGCTAT Reverse primer
TmC 58

June 25, 2007

Preparation of Ultra-competent Cells -- Inoue Method

Based on Inoue et al (1990), Gene, 96:23-28, with modifications --To prepare beforehand: SOB, TB (see below)

--Prepared competent cells of DB3.1 and DH5a

1. Inoculated 2ml media with cells, grew overnight
2. Inoculated 250mL SOB with O/N culture, grew at room temperature shaking until OD600=0.5 (Optimum
at 19C, but no loss of efficiency if cultures are grown at 20-23C. Doubling time is 2.5-4hours)
3. Place flask on ice for 10 min.
4. Pellet cell by spinning cells at 4000rpm for 10 minutes at 4C
5. Discard supernatent, tip centrifuge tubes upside-down over paper towels
for 2 minutes to remove excess liquid
6. Spin at 4000rpm for 10 minutes at 4C
7. Gently resuspend pellet in 20mL ice-cold TB and 1.4mL DMSO (freeze O/N -20C)
8. Aliquot cells to 50ul for transformation or store at -70C (we stored at -80C)
SOB Solution
*0.5% yeast extract
*2% tryptone
*10mM NaCl
*2.5mM KCl
*10mM MgCl2
*10mM MgSO4
*Dissolve in nanopure water and autoclave to sterilize
TB Solution
*15mM CaCl2
*250mM KCl
*Dissolve in nanopure water and adjust pH 6.7 with KOH or HCL (solutes will dissolve as you do this) and then add 55mM MnCl2. Adjust to final volume. Sterilize by filtration with 0.45um filter and store at 4C

June 26, 2007

Competent cell preparation -- Information



Frozen Competent E.Coli Cells -- Preparation For Use


(Inoue et al., 1990 Gene 96:23)

  1. Inoculate a 5ml overnight of E.coli in LB+20 mM MgSO4.
  2. Next morning, inoculate 250 ml LB+20 mM Mg++ in a 2L flask with about 2ml
overnight culture. Grow at room temp (23°C) with good aeration (250rpm) to an 
A600 of 0.4-0.6. Temp is important--see original ref.
  3. Place cells 10 min on ice. Transfer to a sterile bottle and spin 3K, 10', 4°C.
  4. Resuspend pellet in 80 ml cold TB (swirl cells in bottle). Leave 10’/ice.
  5. Spin cells 3K, 10', 4°C.
  6. Resuspend cells in 20 ml cold TB then add 1.5 ml DMSO. Leave 10'/ice.
  7. Dispense into 220 ul and 525 ul aliquots (in cold sterile tubes) and 
freeze in dry ice/EtOH bath. Store -70°C. Typically, competency about 5X 106
cfu/ug DNA. Note, improves after freezing. Cells good for a year and counting.

To use:

  1. To 50 or 100 ul cells, add 5-50 ng DNA. Leave 30’ on ice.
  2. Heat shock, 45 sec at 42C, then chill cells on ice about 2’.
  3. Spin down (15 sec, eppendorf fuge) and remove SN. (Removing the Manganese
seems to boost efficiency about 10X) and resuspend cells in 200 ul LB.
  4. For a supercoiled plasmid, plate 1 ul of cells. For a ligation, plate 20 ul and the rest. 

TB (transformation buffer: filter sterilize and store 4°C) Product [stock] [ ]final volumes to make 100ml Pipes-NaOH pH6.7 0.5M 10 mM 2 ml CaCl2 0.5M 15 mM 3 ml KCl 2M 0.25M 12.5 ml (or 1.864g) MnCl2 1M 55 mM 5.5ml (or 1.088g) add to 100ml with ddH2O 4. To use competent cells for transformation, remove from freezer and thaw for a few minutes at 37degC. Place on ice, add plasmid DNA and incubate for one hour as in the standard transformation procedure. Then heat shock at 42degC for 2 minutes, cool briefly, add 1 ml of 2xTY and incubate for 1 hour at 37degC before spreading on plates.

June 27, 2007

DH5a and DB3.1 Ultra-Competent Cells -- Notes

--Finished up competent cell procedure
--DH5a cells grew very slowly, DB3.1 cells grew very fast
--Transformed fresh DB3.1 cells with P1010 (cell death gene) and pUC19 (small high copy vector)
--Plated DB3.1 (P1010, pUC19, negative control, positive control [DB3.1 on strep])

June 28, 2007

DH5a and DB3.1 Competent Cells (cont.)

--Transformed cells grew well
--Very few pUC19 cells (probably due to very small amount of vector added during transformation)
--No cells on negative control (good)
--Inoculated transformed cells into cell cultures for mini-prepping (pUC19 into 2mL, death gene into 15mL)


--PCR testing out Taq and Pfu DNA polymerase (during this experiment, thought Pfx was being used instead of Pfu) on the following primers (12 samples total))

Primers Used
*3398+3399: xyl promoter region (xylA to xylF) BBa_I741015
*3400+3401: xyl promoter region (xylF to xylA) BBa_I741017
*3406+3407: PFGH including CRP-cAMP binding site BBa_I741018
*3408+3409: PAB with CRP-cAMP binding site BBa_I741019
*3402+3403: PFGH without CRP-cAMP binding site BBa_I741020
*3404+3405: PAB without CRP-cAMP binding site BBa_I741021

--PCR from the day before didn't work because MgCl2 was used instead of MgSO4

Miniprep -- pUC19 and P1010

--Used O/N cultures to do miniprep. Miniprepped 1 tube of pUC19 and 10 tubes of P1010 (1ml, spin, add another 1ml, spin). Spun down at 4k for ~10 minutes

QIAprep Spin Miniprep
1. Resuspend pelleted bacterial cells in 250ul Buffer P1 an transfer to microcentrifuge tube (Ensure RNase A has been added to
Buffer P1
2. Add 250ul Buffer P2 and mix thoroughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times until solution is viscous and slightly clear.
Do not vortex as doing so will shear the DNA