Kubke Lab:Research/ABR/Notebook/2013/11/05

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  • trying to open the actual .ABR files - getting nowhere. Noticed the log files that were extracted dont have the info I need and need to see what info is in the actual data files.

Andy says it is an intel file - over skype trying to figure out the structure so we can read it - extracting info from abr.h and abr_4_mac.c

According to andy need to Read the first 1128 bytes then read the next 1000 2-byte int skip 52 read next 1000 points, and so on


Following file is from the ABR.H header file that was used for the original files.

File layout is probably: <Master_Header><Sub_Structure><1000 2-byte INT><Sub_Structure><1000 2-byte INT> ...

This structure needs to be confirmed.

typedef struct

   short freq;	/* frequency in Hz */
   short amp;	/* amplitude in D/A units */
   short dur;		/* duration in clock ticks */
   short rise_fall;	/* rise_fall in clock ticks */
   } SIGNAL; // 8 bytes

typedef struct

   SIGNAL carrier;
   SIGNAL envelope;

typedef struct

   short left_delay;	/* microseconds to left  onset */
   short right_delay;	/* microseconds to right onset */
   short rep_shorterval;	/* interval in millseconds */
   } TIMING; //6 bytes

typedef struct

   short clock;	    /* clock frequency in kHz */
   short max_size;   /* maximum size of each array */
   short channels;   /* 1 for carrier only, 2 for carrier & envelope */
   } DA_INFO; //6 bytes

typedef struct

   short clock;	    /* in kHz */
   short size;	    /* number of elements (per channel) */
   short channels;   /* number of channels */
   short avg_reps;   /* number of reps making up the average */
   } AD_INFO; //8 bytes

typedef struct

   char date[12];
   char time[12];
   char owl_id[12];
   char exp_id[12];
   char comments[80];
   short depth;
   short version;
   char side;
   short num_chan;
   short num_tests;
   short gain;
   char extra_room[1024-(12+12+12+12+80+2+2+1+2+2+2)];/* Add two more to correct CHAR */
   //    char extra_room[1024-(12+12+12+12+80+2+2+1)];/* Add two more to correct CHAR */

typedef struct /**** THE MASTER STRUCTURE ****/

   HEADER_INFO header; //1024
   STIMULUS left;      //  16
   STIMULUS right;     //  16
   TIMING delay;       //   6
   DA_INFO output;     //   6
   AD_INFO input;      //   8
   } EXPERIMENT;   // 1076 bytes

typedef struct /**** SUB STRUCTURE ****/

   STIMULUS left;      //    16
   STIMULUS right;     //    16
   TIMING delay;       //     6
   DA_INFO output;     //     6
   AD_INFO input;      //     8
   } EXPERIMENT_INFO; // 52 bytes

ABR converter

SFTypeList fileTypes; /* 9/23/96 */ StandardFileReply fileReply; /* 9/23/96 */ OSType documentType; /* 9/23/96 */ OSErr osError = 0; /* 9/23/96 */ SInt16 fileRefNum;

// …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… includes

  1. include <Windows.h>
  2. include <Fonts.h>
  3. include <Menus.h>
  4. include <TextEdit.h>
  5. include <Dialogs.h>
  6. include <SegLoad.h>
  7. include <ToolUtils.h>
  8. include <Devices.h>
  9. include <AppleEvents.h>
  10. include <StandardFile.h>
  11. include <Folders.h>
  12. include <Resources.h>
  13. include <Script.h>
  14. include <stdlib.h>
  15. include <string.h>
  16. include <StandardFile.h> /* 9/23/96 */
  17. include <stdio.h>
  18. include <math.h>
  19. include <Strings.h>
  1. include "abr.h"

short pc2mac(unsigned);

EXPERIMENT data; /* Break into parts to solve problems with version compatibility */ EXPERIMENT_HEADER header; EXPERIMENT_INFO info;

FILE * f_in, * f_out, * f_out_log; short i,j,k, return_code; char line[80];

  1. if 1

/* For the Dialog */ short type; Handle item; Rect box; DialogPtr dialog1, dialog2; /* - - - - - - - */

  1. endif

main(void) { long count; short refNum; char databuf[100]; char filename[80], txt_name[80], log_name[80]; short name_length; short version, num_chan, input_size, num_tests; unsigned header_size, info_size; /* Size of structure varies for version < 4 ? */

short *analog_left, *analog_right, *analog_binaural[10], *analog_spontaneous; short *sdev_l,*sdev_r,*sdev_b[10],*sdev_s; short which_test,delay[14],delay_cnt,n_reps;

if (1) /*inits*/ { MaxApplZone(); MoreMasters();

InitGraf(&qd.thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); TEInit(); InitDialogs(NULL); InitCursor(); FlushEvents(everyEvent,0); }

StandardGetFile(NULL,NULL,fileTypes,&fileReply); /* 9/23/96 */ if (fileReply.sfGood != TRUE) { exit(0); }

// name is: fileReply.sfFile.name name_length = (char)fileReply.sfFile.name[0]; /* First byte is Pascal SIZE of string */ strncpy(filename,(char *)&fileReply.sfFile.name[1],name_length); /*Limit size to PASCAL size */ filename[name_length] = NULL; /* Null as the last byte */ strncpy(txt_name, filename, 80); strncpy(log_name, filename, 80); strcat(txt_name, ".txt"); strcat(log_name, ".log"); f_out_log = fopen(log_name,"w"); f_out = fopen(txt_name,"w");

osError = FSpOpenDF(&fileReply.sfFile,fsRdPerm,&fileRefNum);

/* Read in the structure to establish the version then start again... */ count = sizeof(EXPERIMENT_HEADER); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); version = pc2mac(header.version); /* Get the version */ if (version <400) header_size = sizeof(EXPERIMENT_HEADER) - 2; /* Correct for CHAR offset */ else header_size = sizeof(EXPERIMENT_HEADER); osError = SetFPos(fileRefNum,fsFromStart,0L); /* Reset to file beginning */ info_size = sizeof(EXPERIMENT_INFO);

while (1) { /*While Loop*/ count = header_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); if (count < header_size) break; count = info_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&info);

/* Get the Experiment's HEADER into the log */ fprintf(f_out_log,"Owl\tDate\tTime\tClock_kHz\tn_reps\tfreq\tversion\n"); fprintf(f_out_log,"%s\t%s\t%s\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%5.2f\n", header.owl_id,header.date,header.time, pc2mac(info.input.clock), pc2mac(info.input.avg_reps), pc2mac(info.left.carrier.freq), pc2mac(header.version)/100.0 ); fprintf(f_out_log,"\tComment line: "); fputs(header.comments,f_out_log); if (num_chan >1) fprintf(f_out_log,"\nChannel 0 data, only\n"); fprintf(f_out_log,"\n\n"); fprintf(f_out_log,"delay\n");

//Check Experiment Type (should = 'abr') to confirm good data... // And be sure the INPUT SIZE is less than or equal 2000 if ((header.exp_id[0]!='a') && (header.exp_id[0]!='A') && (pc2mac(info.input.size) > 2000)) { fprintf(f_out_log,"\nDATA FILE CORRUPTED - execution aborted\n"); fprintf(f_out,"DATA FILE CORRUPTED - execution aborted"); fclose(f_out); fclose(f_out_log); osError = FSClose(fileRefNum); exit(0); }

//If we get here its time to process the data

//Set up special conditions to make older files compatible... //Convert important 'constants' to Mac format for use in this program... input_size = pc2mac(info.input.size); num_tests = pc2mac(header.num_tests); num_chan = pc2mac(header.num_chan); n_reps = pc2mac(info.input.avg_reps); if (version < 400) num_chan = 1; /* Older files are only 1 channel */ if (version < 500) { num_tests = 1; /* Only 1 binaural test */ input_size = 1000; /* This should be in header, but its here in case needed */ }

//Allocate necessary array space... analog_left = (short *) malloc(input_size * sizeof(short) ); analog_right = (short *) malloc(input_size * sizeof(short) ); for (i=0; i<num_tests; i++)

   analog_binaural[i] = (short *) malloc(input_size * sizeof(short) );
   sdev_b[i] = (short *) malloc (input_size * sizeof(short));

analog_spontaneous = (short *) malloc(input_size * sizeof(short) ); sdev_l = (short *) malloc (input_size * sizeof(short)); sdev_r = (short *) malloc (input_size * sizeof(short)); sdev_s = (short *) malloc (input_size * sizeof(short)); //-----------------------------------

  1. if 1

dialog1 = GetNewDialog(128,0L, NULL); GetDItem(dialog1, 2, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(header.owl_id)); GetDItem(dialog1, 3, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(header.date)); GetDItem(dialog1, 4, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(header.time)); GetDItem(dialog1, 5, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(header.comments)); sprintf(line,"%5i\0",version); GetDItem(dialog1, 6, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); sprintf(line,"%2i\0",num_chan); GetDItem(dialog1, 7, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); sprintf(line,"%2i\0",num_tests); GetDItem(dialog1, 8, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); sprintf(line,"%3i\0",pc2mac(info.input.clock)); GetDItem(dialog1, 9, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); sprintf(line,"%6i\0",pc2mac(info.left.carrier.freq)); GetDItem(dialog1, 10, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); sprintf(line,"%3i\0",pc2mac(info.input.avg_reps)); GetDItem(dialog1, 11, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(line)); GetDItem(dialog1, 12, &type, &item, &box); SetIText(item,c2pstr(filename));

ModalDialog(NULL, &type); //DrawDialog(dialog1); //CloseDialog(dialog1);

//dialog2 = GetNewDialog(129,0L, NULL); //ModalDialog(NULL, &type); //CloseDialog(dialog2); CloseDialog(dialog1);

  1. endif

//read analog left (sdev if version > 300) // then analog right (sdev if version > 300) // CONVERT to MAC after reading...

/* first time we already did the EXPT read */ count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,analog_left); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) analog_left[j] = pc2mac(analog_left[j]); if (version >= 300) { count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,sdev_l); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) sdev_l[j] = pc2mac(sdev_l[j]); }

count = header_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); count = info_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&info);

count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,analog_right); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) analog_right[j] = pc2mac(analog_right[j]); if (version >= 300) { count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,sdev_r); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) sdev_r[j] = pc2mac(sdev_r[j]); }

if (version >= 400) /* Spontaneous is done third for >400, fourth for <400 */ { count = header_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); count = info_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&info);

count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,analog_spontaneous); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) analog_spontaneous[j] = pc2mac(analog_spontaneous[j]); if (version >= 300) { count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,sdev_s); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) sdev_s[j] = pc2mac(sdev_s[j]); } }

for (i=0; i<num_tests; i++) { count = header_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); count = info_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&info);

/* CHECK THE FOLLOWING */ /* Delay WAS right-left but on 9/25/96 I flipped them so that (-) measn Left Leads */ fprintf(f_out_log,"%i\n",pc2mac(info.delay.left_delay)-pc2mac(info.delay.right_delay));

count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,analog_binaural[i]); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) analog_binaural[i][j] = pc2mac(analog_binaural[i][j]); if (version >= 300) { count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,sdev_b[i]); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) sdev_b[i][j] = pc2mac(sdev_b[i][j]); } }

if (version < 400) /* Spontaneous is done third for >400, fourth for <400 */ { count = header_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&header); count = info_size; osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,&info);

count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,analog_spontaneous); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) analog_spontaneous[j] = pc2mac(analog_spontaneous[j]); if (version >= 300) { count = input_size * sizeof(short); osError = FSRead(fileRefNum,&count,sdev_s); for (j=0; j<input_size; j++) sdev_s[j] = pc2mac(sdev_s[j]); } }

// - - - PRINT OUT THE TEXT FILE HERE - - - fprintf(f_out,"msec\tleft\tright\tspont\t"); for (j=0; j<num_tests; j++) fprintf(f_out,"bin#%i\t",j); if (version >=300) { fprintf(f_out,"sdev_l\tsdev_r\tsdev_spont\t"); for (j=0; j<num_tests; j++) fprintf(f_out,"sd_bin#%i\t",j); } fprintf(f_out,"\n");

for (i=0; i<input_size; i+=num_chan) /* DO ONLY 0 CHANNEL for NOW. +1 index for other CHANNEL */ { /* For Each Data Element */ fprintf(f_out,"%8.2f\t",0.020*(float)(i/num_chan)); /* 0.020 msecs per point at 50kHz */ fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",analog_left[i]); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",analog_right[i]); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",analog_spontaneous[i]); for (j=0; j<num_tests; j++) fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",analog_binaural[j][i]);

if (version >=320) { /* sdev has 95% confidence intervals */ fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",sdev_l[i]); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",sdev_r[i]); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",sdev_s[i]); for (j=0; j<num_tests; j++) fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",sdev_b[j][i]); } else if ((version < 320) && (version >= 300)) { /* Convert top 95% confidence intervals */ fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",(short) (1.96 * (float)sdev_l[i]/(float)n_reps)); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",(short) (1.96 * (float)sdev_r[i]/(float)n_reps)); fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",(short) (1.96 * (float)sdev_s[i]/(float)n_reps)); for (j=0; j<num_tests; j++) fprintf(f_out,"%6i\t",(short) (1.96 * (float)sdev_b[j][i]/(float)n_reps)); }

fprintf(f_out,"\n"); } fprintf(f_out,"\n\n");

//----------------------------------- // Free arrays free(analog_left); free(analog_right); free(analog_spontaneous); free(sdev_l); free(sdev_r); for (i=0; i<num_tests; i++)



} /*End WHILE loop */

//Close Files fclose(f_out); fclose(f_out_log); osError = FSClose(fileRefNum);


/*************/ short pc2mac(unsigned x) /* Flip HIGH and LOW to convert PC to MAC */ { unsigned high, low, result;

high = x/256; /* Integer math returns upper 8 bits */ low = x%256; /* Returns the lower 8 bits */

result = low * 256 + high; /* Flips the Bits */ return((short)result); } /*************/


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