Maloof Lab:Resources

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Room 2115
Section of Plant Biology
1002 Life Sciences, One Shields Ave.
University of California Davis
Davis, CA 95616


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RIL Data

Col x X

Col x X genotype data

Col x X field phenotype data

RIL genotypic data from MSATs assayed in the Maloof Lab and by Sequenom SNP analysis performed by Cogenics, inc. RIL Phenotypic data from Weinig Lab field grown plants in Minnesota. For RIL construction, Col was crossed to an unknown accession; resulting F2 plants were self-fertilized until the F8 generation and then genotyped. Genotyping revealed a strong bias to Col genotypes and higher heterozygosity than expected. Subsequent flow cytometry analysis by Brian Dilkes revealed that some RILs are tetraploid and that the Col parent was likely tetraploid. Flow cytometry data will be made available when analysis is complete.

B. Rapa RILs

B. rapa field phenotype data

Phenotypic measurements of Brassica rapa RILs grown in high and low density field plantings. Data collection from Weinig Lab. RILs developed by Federico Iniguez-Luy and Tom Osborn.

Association Mapping Data


GI association data

Data for GIGANTEA associations as published in Brock et al, 2007 (PMID 17614917)


PHYB association data PHYB association R script

Data and R analysis script for PHYB associations as published in Filiault et al, 2008 (PMID 18287016)


PHYC association data

Data for PHYB and PHYC associations reported in Balasubramanian et al, 2006 (PMID 16732287)

Sequence Data

Arabidopsis PHYB Sequences reported in Filiault et al, 2008 (PMID 18287016) are available from NCBI here

Arabidospis sequences reported by Brock et al, 2007 (PMID 17614917) are available for PHYB, PIF3, PIF4, NDPK2, PKS1, GI, and ATHB2