Orhan Karsligil

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Dr. Orhan Karsligil Orhan's email



I am a research scholar working in Prof. Gregory Stephanopoulos' lab. I am mostly interested in complex networks and pattern discovery. You can read more on my background and previous research at my online resume

For now you can visit my blog at: Orhan's Blog for more information. I will update this site with my current research and research resources.


In this section I plan to collect some useful online resources.

Biology News

Biology News Net is a very useful Biology News collection site.

Online Databases

Here I will add the online Gene, Protein, Metabolite databases


Here I will add algorithm sites that might be useful for bioinformatics type of computations.

Research Groups

Research groups that I follow for interesting research.

Online Courses

Here I am planning to add links to some online course materials that I find very useful.

My Research Ideas

Here I am planning to keep a bullet point type of list

My Publications

Thesis under Prof. George Stephanopoulos on “Multiscale Modeling, Identification, and Model Predictive Control of Processing Systems.”

“Multi-Scale Modeling, Estimation and Control of Processing Systems”, George Stephanopoulos, Matthew Dyer, and Orhan Karsligil, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 21, p. S797-S803 (1997)

“Multi-Scale Considerations in Linear and Nonlinear Estimation and Control”, George Stephanopoulos, Orhan Karsligil and Matthew Dyer, in Nonlinear Model-Based Control, R. Berber and C. Kravaris (editors), Kluwer (1998)

“Multi-Scale Model-Predictive Control”, Orhan Karsligil, Matthew Dyer and George Stephanopoulos, Proceedings of DYCOPS-5, Kerkyra, Greece (1998)

“Multi-scale Aspects in Model-Predictive Control”, George Stephanopoulos, Orhan Karsligil, and Matthew Dyer, Journal of Process Control, Vol: 10, Issue: 2-3, pp. 275-282 (2000)