Orhan Karsligil

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Dr. Orhan Karsligil Orhan's email


I am a research scholar working in Prof. Gregory Stephanopoulos' lab. I am mostly interested in complex networks and pattern discovery. You can read more on my background and previous research at my online resume

For now you can visit my blog at: Orhan's Blog for more information. I will update this site with my current research and research resources.


In this section I plan to collect some useful online resources.

My Paper Collection

I am using a site called CiteULike to keep track of all the papers I am reading or planning to read. One can tag papers, create bibliographies automatically and one can also upload the PDFs so that they can be retrieved anytime one desires. You can find my collection of papers (only the user can access the PDFs because of the copyright issues) at Orhan's Paper Collection

Biology News

Biology News Net is a very useful Biology News collection site.

Online Databases

Here I will add the online Gene, Protein, Metabolite databases


Here I will add algorithm sites that might be useful for bioinformatics type of computations.

Research Groups

Research groups that I follow for interesting research.

Online Courses

Here I am planning to add links to some online course materials that I find very useful.

My Research Ideas

Here I am planning to keep a bullet point type of list

My Publications and Presentations

Current Work

Group Presentation, Literature Review on "Multidimensional Signatures in Antimicrobial Peptides". You can get the pdf for the presentation from here.

Process Design and Control Days

Thesis under Prof. George Stephanopoulos on “Multiscale Modeling, Identification, and Model Predictive Control of Processing Systems.” (May 2000)

“Multi-Scale Modeling, Estimation and Control of Processing Systems”, George Stephanopoulos, Matthew Dyer, and Orhan Karsligil, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 21, p. S797-S803 (1997)

“Multi-Scale Considerations in Linear and Nonlinear Estimation and Control”, George Stephanopoulos, Orhan Karsligil and Matthew Dyer, in Nonlinear Model-Based Control, R. Berber and C. Kravaris (editors), Kluwer (1998)

“Multi-Scale Model-Predictive Control”, Orhan Karsligil, Matthew Dyer and George Stephanopoulos, Proceedings of DYCOPS-5, Kerkyra, Greece (1998)

“Multi-scale Aspects in Model-Predictive Control”, George Stephanopoulos, Orhan Karsligil, and Matthew Dyer, Journal of Process Control, Vol: 10, Issue: 2-3, pp. 275-282 (2000)