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The Dynamic Proteome

Our aim is to create predictive models of cellular behaviour, with a focus on modelling signal transduction dynamics.

Protein Protein Interactions

Proteins interact with one another in order to transmit signals from the outside environment (signal transduction), form complex molecular machines, and localize to specific areas of the cell. Current methods for capturing protein-protein interactions (PPIs) lack context and/or specificity. We are developing methods that will enable us to capture in vivo PPIs involving new biochemical, mass spectrometric, and computational techniques.

Protein post-translational modifications

Proteins undergo state changes through post-translational modifications. These chemical modifications determine the activity of enzymes, the localization of proteins, and a protein's interactions. We are working to perfect high-throughput methodologies to measure global protein phosphorylation.

In collaboration with Emily Bates' lab, we are analyzing differential phosphorylation in brain tissue between migraine susceptible and wild-type mice.

Measuring cellular state

Systems Biology