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Daniel 11:30, 16 February 2012 (PST)

Prepared PCR reactions for sb1221:

PCR ca998/gfRevPR on pBjk2741-jtk2801 (160bp, A)
Placed in 100-500 PCR tray
PCR dc5002/g00101 on pBgl00001-Brp0006 (1100bp, B)
Placed in 1K-2K PCR tray

Using protocol as described here: Cloning by PCR

Prepared Wobble reaction for sbb1228

Wobble dc5003/dc5004 (64bp, wobpdt)

Using protocol as described here: Wobble Reaction

Daniel 14:00, 17 February 2012 (PST)

Performed short-fragment Zymo on wobble product, using protocol as described here Small-Frag Zymo Cleanup

Daniel 12:30, 21 February 2012 (PST)

Ran gel of two PCR products used for SOEing Gel pics
. Gel #1, lanes 3 and 4 pertain to fragments A and B in the construction file for ssb1221.

Cut out gel and purified using Zymo Gel Purification

Performed digest reaction on Zymo wobble product (1 hour in 37C), then purified using Small-Frag Zymo Cleanup.