Short read toolbox

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Short read toolbox

This page has been created to help list resources for working with next generation sequence data.

Online short-read resources

List of short-read quality control software

List of sequence format information

List of alignment format information

List of open source de novo assemblers

  • Velvet - Implements De Bruijn Graphs in C. Requires 64 bit Linux OS.
  • Edena - 32 and 64 bit Linux.
  • ABySS - Multi-threaded de novo assembly.
  • Ray - Multi-threaded de novo assembly.
  • QSRA - Utilizes quality scores.

List of open source reference guided assemblers

  • MAQ - Mapping and Assembly with Qualities.
  • Bowtie - Bowtie.
  • BWA - Burrows-Wheeler aligner.
  • RGA - Perl script which calls blat to assemble short reads.

Hybrid assemblers (reference guided & de novo)

List of assembly viewers

List of alignment programs

List of query programs


A very brief example to demonstrate file input/output.


use strict;
use warnings;
my (@temp, $in, $out);
my $inf = "data.fq";
my $outf = "data_out.fq";
open($in, "<", $inf) or die "Can't open $inf: $!";
open($out, ">", $outf) or die "Can't open $outf: $!";
  chomp($temp[0]=$_); # First line is an identifier.
  chomp($temp[1]=<$in>); # Second line is sequence.
  chomp($temp[2]=<$in>); # Third line is an identifier.
  chomp($temp[3]=<$in>); # Fourth line is quality.
  print $out join("\t", @temp)."\n";
close $in or die "$in: $!";
close $out or die "$out: $!";
  • perlintro - Introduction to perl with links to other documentation.
  • BioPerl beginners - Introduction to BioPerl (be prepared for object oriented code).


R project

  • R project - Statistical programming environment.
  • Bioconductor - R for biologists (micro-array and next generation data).
  • APE - Analysis of phylogenetics and evolution R package.

Useful links