TB Breath Test Proposal

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20.109 WF Pink Team Research Proposal

TB Breath Test

Project Overview: Developing a novel biosensor device to diagnose tuberculosis infection quickly and efficiently. Our aim is to create an engineered bacterial system to detect volatile compounds in the breath of those infected with tuberculosis, and yield a visible output within minutes.


Disease background

-Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

-can be fatal

-usually affects the lungs, but can also affect brain, kidneys, spine

-symptoms include weight loss, night sweats, fever, chills, coughing (blood), chest pain

-latent vs active infection

-becomes active if immune system cannot repress growth

-5-10% of latent cases will become active

2 widely used current tests:

-Mantoux TB skin test injects a small amount of tuberculin into the skin

-patient must return to clinic 48/72 hours later for evaluation of injection site

-TB blood test (interferon-gamma release assay) measures immune system reaction to TB bacteria

Problem/Goals Statement:


-current TB tests (TB skin test and blood test) are invasive

-commonly used TB skin test requires a follow-up visit 48 to 72 hours after tuberculin injection - an inconvenience to both patients and doctors

-large need for administering TB tests (please see high-risk characteristics)

-false positives

-we would like to propose a better TB detection method that addresses these shortcomings through biological engineering


-to detect and concentrate the unique volatile organic compounds (VOC) released from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the breath of infected patients -to engineer a biological system that amplifies the VOC signal, and quickly produces a visual output -


Predicted Outcomes:


Cambridge Pubic Health Department -risk of exposure to active TB (e.g. health care workers) -immigration from TB prominent regions (Africa, Asian, Central and South America, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, and the Middle East) -abnormal chest X-ray http://www.cambridgepublichealth.org/services/diseases-conditions/TB-program/index.php