Tissue, I hardly know you!

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20.20 Tissue Engineering Group

  • Group members: Anna, Amber, Derek, Prarthne, Mike, Robbie, and Aditya

Use this space to communicate with each other and to formulate your ideas. Here's a link to the technical specification review requirements([1]).


  1. targeting mechanism (specific for heart scar tissue)
  2. propulsion device (might not be necessary if we just let the cells travel with blood flow)
  3. binding device
  4. scar-digesting device
  5. healthy heart cell regeneration device
  6. cell death / exit device

[useful articles that discuss proteins expressed in cardiac scar and healthy tissue and how the two tissues differ.] [2]

[Periostin and Myocardial Repair, Regeneration, and Recovery [3]]

TOPICS FOR ADDITIONAL RESEARCH: 1. Do we keep the bacteria in the heart until they die, or do we inject the patient with a drug to end the bacteria's life cycle.

  - research the life span of the bacteria
  - how would the bacteria behave when they die? Do they automatically unbind from the cell  or are external factors necessary. 

2. Ways to prevent the immune system from responding to the bacteria

  -could a coating be synthesized to prevent bacterial death and to prevent an immune system response. 

3. Will Verapamil (the scar repressing agent) interact with periostin?

4. How quickly does cardiac tissue form?

  - If it forms slowly relative to the speed at which periostin regenerates heart tissue, it is not necessary to include scar repressors. 


File:C:\Users\Anna Shcherbina\Pictures\DSCF2071.jpg