Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 1/24/08 Minutes: Difference between revisions

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Sasha, Bernice, Dawn, Emilienne, Iny, Mike, Marta
Cathy Greene, Ernest Fraenkel, Scott Manalis, Linda Griffith, Doug Lauffenburger <br>
Mike, Emilienne, Dawn, Renuka, Neha, Bernice, Marta

# T-shirts
#*Must be put in vector form – ask creator (Mike) if he can do it
#*Style: Girly Fine Jersey and Unisex Fine Jersey (for men)
#*Order form QRST : ~$10 per person,+ $30 pattern fee (expect BE dept to pay extra costs)
#*Extras: Men – 1S, 4M, 4L, 1XL, Women – 2S, 5M, 3L, 0XL
# Mission Statement
#*Cool with Current Goals on the wiki (and perhaps tweak the word ‘disseminate’):
#**To represent the undergraduate's interests to the BE faculty
#**To create a community of students within the major
#**To organize social and academic events for BE undergrads
#**To identify and disseminate resources for choosing courses, finding UROPs, and learning about life (careers/grad school/med school) after MIT
# Elections
# Elections
#*February 12th 2008 7:30pm 56-614
#*4 core board members (P, VP, Sec, Treas)
#*Mike send out email saying that:
#*Year-long positions (Jan-Dec)
#**anyone can run (we’re not elitist)
#*Open meetings so that everyone has a say and is in-the-know
#**it’s a great way to learn what the board is all about
#*Platform specifics – none
#**platform should include: name, year, why chose BE, why want position
#*Speech at kickoff event – no, too formal
#*No speeches, instead have candidates stand and say name and position running for
#*Voting at BE office until the end of week
#*Food = subway + cake
# Associate Advising
#*Email professors to hype up in 20.109, 310, 330, 380 (who?)
#*Role: Informal advisor, one event + meet & greet, available by email/phone for advice
#*2009’s for 2010’s so can be paired for 1.5 years
#**alphabetical candidates
#*Cathy send email to juniors asking for volunteers (already has list of previously volunteered with e-mails but will send out new e-mail)
#**rank candidates 1 & 2 (in case of ties)
#*If not enough volunteers, send e-mail again 1st week of school
#**space at bottom for BE ideas/comments
#*Pair one junior with each sophomore advisor
#*For future board meetings, people that come regularly perhaps have:
#*Allowed money to take group out
#**board members at large?
# BE Undergrad on Curriculum Board
#*2 or 3 undergrads to be members so that one is always at a meeting
#**semester long positions?
#*Plan of action: work through class by class
#**BE UG Curriculum positions (appoint one 10, 09, 08) [ahem Emilienne ahem]
#*Student’s role: relay information between students and faculty, give on-the-spot ideas
# BE UG Curriculum Board
#*Ideally junior/senior knowledgeable about more course 20 goings-on
#* Linda Griffith wants 2-3 people so that at least 1 is at every meeting
#*Item for next curriculum board agenda: how to better conduct recitations
#**1 soph, 1 junior, 1 senior – BE UG Board appoint, email out ask if people interested
# Workshop Brainstorms
#**Fill spots with preferably board members rather than exec
#*Want all Course 20 to know object-oriented programming, plus Matlab
#**Become “Member at Large” must attend BE Board meetings and BE Curric Meetings
#*Incorporate Matlab modules into all classes, multiple weekly Matlab tutoring sessions
#**Emilienne ask Linda when first meeting is, and for schedule of meetings thereafter
#*Rethink TA recitations: prepare & reformulate material taught in class, plus office hours
# Tutoring
#*Discuss at workshop on reg day
#*Start “tutor room” with computers to help students with Matlab pset questions multiple nights per week – dept pay those computing/programming tutors
#*BE dept NOT want to pay people for one-on-one tutoring
#*Likes idea of BE board: have list of person/class/availability for informal, infrequent, volunteer help for pset questions
#*Side note: BE only section for OWW page to post tutor info, etc?
# Senior Dinner
#*No parents – they can attend the reception on graduation day
#*At Museum of Science? – Renuka look into it
#*Awards: ~3 outstanding senior awards for: academics, service, leadership, research
#*TA Award, Professor Award from BE Students
#*Save Informal Awards for BE BBQ plan with BE Grad Board
# T-Shirts
#*Talk to Michelle Berry and Cathy Greene for details
#*Dept CAN front the money with BE credit card
#*Cathy will email out to faculty for Tshirt orders
# BE Lounge Update
#*Constructoin has begun
#*Plan to finish building by July
#*Start furnishing end of summer
#*BE UG Board “wish list” includes hammock + ?

Revision as of 22:31, 29 January 2008

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BE UG Board Meeting
January 24, 2008
4:00pm 56-402

Attendance: Cathy Greene, Ernest Fraenkel, Scott Manalis, Linda Griffith, Doug Lauffenburger
Mike, Emilienne, Dawn, Renuka, Neha, Bernice, Marta

  1. Elections
    • 4 core board members (P, VP, Sec, Treas)
    • Year-long positions (Jan-Dec)
    • Open meetings so that everyone has a say and is in-the-know
    • Platform specifics – none
    • Speech at kickoff event – no, too formal
    • Voting at BE office until the end of week
  2. Associate Advising
    • Role: Informal advisor, one event + meet & greet, available by email/phone for advice
    • 2009’s for 2010’s so can be paired for 1.5 years
    • Cathy send email to juniors asking for volunteers (already has list of previously volunteered with e-mails but will send out new e-mail)
    • If not enough volunteers, send e-mail again 1st week of school
    • Pair one junior with each sophomore advisor
    • Allowed money to take group out
  3. BE Undergrad on Curriculum Board
    • 2 or 3 undergrads to be members so that one is always at a meeting
    • Plan of action: work through class by class
    • Student’s role: relay information between students and faculty, give on-the-spot ideas
    • Ideally junior/senior knowledgeable about more course 20 goings-on
    • Item for next curriculum board agenda: how to better conduct recitations
  4. Workshop Brainstorms
    • Want all Course 20 to know object-oriented programming, plus Matlab
    • Incorporate Matlab modules into all classes, multiple weekly Matlab tutoring sessions
    • Rethink TA recitations: prepare & reformulate material taught in class, plus office hours
  5. Tutoring
    • Discuss at workshop on reg day
    • Start “tutor room” with computers to help students with Matlab pset questions multiple nights per week – dept pay those computing/programming tutors
    • BE dept NOT want to pay people for one-on-one tutoring
    • Likes idea of BE board: have list of person/class/availability for informal, infrequent, volunteer help for pset questions
    • Side note: BE only section for OWW page to post tutor info, etc?
  6. Senior Dinner
    • No parents – they can attend the reception on graduation day
    • At Museum of Science? – Renuka look into it
    • Awards: ~3 outstanding senior awards for: academics, service, leadership, research
    • TA Award, Professor Award from BE Students
    • Save Informal Awards for BE BBQ – plan with BE Grad Board
  7. T-Shirts
    • Talk to Michelle Berry and Cathy Greene for details
    • Dept CAN front the money with BE credit card
    • Cathy will email out to faculty for Tshirt orders
  8. BE Lounge Update
    • Constructoin has begun
    • Plan to finish building by July
    • Start furnishing end of summer
    • BE UG Board “wish list” includes hammock + ?