User:Caitlin Barrett/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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2/9/14- Identifying Algae and Proists Lab #2 Description of Hay Infusion Culture: The culture has a yellow/orange tint. There are several small bubbles on the top of the liquid. There is also some plant debris in the culture. There are some small black dots on the top of the culture, which could be mold spots. The culture smells foul, and has a similar smell to mold.

-Organisms could differ near vs far away from plant matter because some organisms have adapted to survive off of the plant matter’s nutrients. Other organisms do not need the plant matter’s nutrients in order to survive and therefore they may suffer more in areas where there is a maximum carrying capacity. These organisms may need to be closer the surface and need more sunlight in order to survive.

Organisms observed in culture: 1. Peranema, mobile, protist, not photosynthesizing, 50um 2. Euglena, mobile, protist, can photosynthesize, 40um

3. Actinoshpaerium, mobile, protist, not photosynthesizing, 75um 

Area 2: Bottom of jar 1. Peranema, mobile, protist, not photosynthesizing, 50um 2. Colpidium, mobile, protist, not photosynthesizing, 60um

3. Actinoshpaerium, mobile, protist, not photosynthesizing 75um 

Note: We were unable to find 6 different organisms in our Hay Infusion Culture. Therefore, we can assume that that these organisms that were found in two different places in the culture, have adapted to survive in both niches.

How Actinoshpaerium meets all Needs of Life

1. Energy

-Feeds on small flagellates, diminutive cilates, and microscopic algae

2. Cells


3. Information

-Adapt to its surroundings; It does not have a shell. It has many pseudopodia supported by axopods radiating outward from the cell body, which adhere to passing prey and allows it to roll or float about.

4. Replication

-Replicates through fission

5. Evolution

- Actinoshpaerium are subject to pressures of natural seclection. Therefore in order to survive, the Actinoshpaerium must mutate and adapt to its new environments.

-If the Hay Infusion were to be observed in another month, I would predict that the amount of protists found would be significantly decreased. This is because as the amount of nutrients available within the culture decrease, the protists would decresase and that only the strongest protists would survive. Also I would expect the amount of plant debris to decompose.

-The selective pressures on the protists are temperature constraints, limited nutrients supplies, predation by other living species, and limited carrying capacity. If a protist would be able to adapt to all of these selective pressures, then they will survive.

Great job, but don't forget the last item in red about the serial dilution. 2/18/14 GHH