User:Chaitanya Athale

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Contact Info

Chaitanya Athale (an artistic interpretation)

I work in the Your Lab at XYZ University. I learned about OpenWetWare from From news about the OpenWetware and news about the iGem projects., and I've joined because I have learnt quite a bit from the openwetware Wiki and would like to contribute to the community effort..


  • 2003, PhD, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany
  • 1998, MSc, Zoology Dept, Pune University, India
  • 1996, BSc, Botany, Fergusson College, Pune, India

Research interests

  1. Pattern formation
  2. Cell system modelling
  3. Cytoskeleton
  4. Reaction-diffusion systems
  5. Quantitative Microscopy
  6. Swarming behaviour in experiment and theory


  1. Athale CA, Dinarina A, Mora-Coral M, Pugieux C, Nedelec F, and Karsenti E. Regulation of microtubule dynamics by reaction cascades around chromosomes. Science. 2008 Nov 21;322(5905):1243-7. DOI:10.1126/science.1161820 | PubMed ID:18948504 | HubMed [Paper1]
  2. Athale CA and Deisboeck TS. The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns. J Theor Biol. 2006 Feb 21;238(4):771-9. DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.06.029 | PubMed ID:16126230 | HubMed [Paper2]
  3. Zhang L, Athale CA, and Deisboeck TS. Development of a three-dimensional multiscale agent-based tumor model: simulating gene-protein interaction profiles, cell phenotypes and multicellular patterns in brain cancer. J Theor Biol. 2007 Jan 7;244(1):96-107. DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.06.034 | PubMed ID:16949103 | HubMed [Paper2]
  4. Athale CA, Christensen MO, Eils R, Boege F, and Mielke C. Inferring a system model of subcellular topoisomerase II beta localization dynamics. OMICS. 2004 Summer;8(2):167-75. DOI:10.1089/1536231041388339 | PubMed ID:15268774 | HubMed [Paper3]
  5. Bacher CP, Reichenzeller M, Athale C, Herrmann H, and Eils R. 4-D single particle tracking of synthetic and proteinaceous microspheres reveals preferential movement of nuclear particles along chromatin - poor tracks. BMC Cell Biol. 2004 Nov 23;5:45. DOI:10.1186/1471-2121-5-45 | PubMed ID:15560848 | HubMed [Paper4]

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  6. ISBN:9781441979636 [Book1]

All Medline abstracts: PubMed | HubMed

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