User:Dirk Van Swaay/FP

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Revision as of 04:34, 2 October 2007 by Dirk Van Swaay (talk | contribs)
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<html> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <div id="wrap"> <div id="maincontent">

</html><html> <style type="text/css"> h1.firstHeading {display: none;}

  1. contentSub {
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       width: 667px;
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} </style> </html><html>

<!-- Place Team Photo under here -->

<img src="" />

<!-- Start of Main Text Column -->

<div id="maincol"> <div class="blurb">Write the Blurb Here. See how large it can be.. it may be pretty long, I think the text wraps around to new lines. Let's see...</div> <p>Write the main content text here. If I were to write a whole story here, how would this display with my CSS? Will it just wrap around? Will it overlap with anything? Blah blah blah. I think this CSS still needs a lot of work, but I'm getting there. Next up will be changing the possible layouts of the postit notes on the right. I would also like to see how it looks in the official IGEM 2007 wiki, because of the colour schemes.</p> <!-- <div id="sitepreviews"> <a href="http://..." title="pop-up text"><img src="http://...image.jpg" /></a> <a href="http://..." title="pop-up text"><img src="http://...image.jpg" /></a> <a href="http://..." title="pop-up text"><img src="http://...image.jpg" /></a> </div> --> </div>

<!-- End of Main Text Column --> <!-- Start of Central Content Box -->

<div id="FeatureBox"> <div class="metainfo"> <h2><a href="http://...">Cell Free Gene Expression</a></h2> </div> <div class="contentbox"> The Imperial College iGEM 2007 team is promoting the use of Cell Free Gene Expression systems as a viable chassis in Synthetic Biology. Blah blah blah blah... </div> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> </div>

<!-- End of Central Content Box --> <!-- Start of Side Bar Content --> <div id="sidebar">

<!-- Post-It Box Template --> <!-- Copy, paste, and edit the following code:

<div class="post-it bluebox"> <h2><a href="http://..." title="">Title</a></h2> <p>Enter text here.</p> <a style="float:right;" href="http://...">Learn More</a> </div>

    ****other options include:
                    blackbox (transparent)

--> <!-- End of Post-It Box Template --> <!-- Add your Post-It Boxes in here -->

<div class="post-it bluebox"> <h2><a href="http://...">News</a></h2> <div id="newscol">

<!-- Sample News Entry Item --> <!-- Copy, Paste, and edit the following to add a news item:

<div class="newsentry"> <div class="newsmeta"> <h2><a href=""></a>News Item Title</h2> <span class="newsmeta-date">26 sep 07</span> </div> <p>Write your news story here.<a class="newsmeta-more" href="http://.....">more</a></p> </div>

--> <!-- Start of News Entries -->

<div class="newsentry"> <div class="newsmeta"> <h2><a href=""></a>News Item Title</h2> <span class="newsmeta-date">26 sep 07</span> </div> <p>Write your news story here. Testing how much news I need to put in here before the central colum will move to the center. <a class="newsmeta-more" href="http://.....">more</a></p> </div>

</div> <!-- End of News Entries -->


<div class="post-it greenbox"> <h2><a href="" title="">Meet the Team</a></h2>


<div class="post-it pinkbox"> <h2><a href="" title="">Fun with iGEM</a></h2> </div>

<div class="post-it whitebox" style="filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.8;"> <h2><a href="" title="">Acknowledgements</a></h2>

               <ul style="list-style:none"> 
                  <li><a href=""><img src="" width="180"></a>   
                  <li>IC Deputy Rector's Fund
                  <li>IC Faculty of Engineering
                  <li>IC Faculty of Natural Sciences


</div> <!-- End of Side Bar Content -->

</div> </html>