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Current: Semantic Web Ontology for the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.

Mating pheromone response pathway analysis across yeast and related species.


Synthetic Biology

using analog circuits/logic in synth bio



  • Ideas discussion area - "the goal is some flexible framework where it is easy to create and modify databases on the fly, with nice user interfaces for database entry"
  • Software - flexible science databases, etc
  • Journal impact factor is a measure of importance of scientific journals. Something like this could be used to measure the success of the OpenWetWare?
  • online spreadsheet







  • Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP):
    • source editors for HTML, Javascript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD, and WSDL
    • graphical editors for XSD and WSDL
    • J2EE project natures, builders, and models and a J2EE navigator
    • a Web service wizard and explorer, and WS-I Test Tools
    • database access and query tools and models




  • CERF Notebook by Rescentris Ltd
    • Capture and share files, notes, data - your entire research record
    • 21CFR11 compliant - role-based access, digital signatures, audit trails, and more
    • Extensible - Customizable - integrate with existing solutions & databases
    • Custom templates ensure uniform recordkeeping across your organization
    • Windows, Mac, Linux
  • eLab Notebook by Waters Corp
  • NuGenesis SDMS "Information Management Platform" by Waters Corp
  • STARLIMS web-based LIMS

Web 2.0

  • PorgrammableWeb - directory of mashups, APIs, tagging, etc
  • Web 2.0 by Paul Graham: "Web 2.0 means using the web the way it's meant to be used. The "trends" we're seeing now are simply the inherent nature of the web emerging from under the broken models that got imposed on it during the Bubble."
  • What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly
  • JSON is a data interchange format that can be trivially parsed by JavaScript, with JavaScript's built in eval() procedure.
  • YAML is a data serialization and lightweight markup language that takes concepts from languages such as XML, C, Python, and Perl.
  • Unobtrusive Javascript
  • reddit - what's new online
  • Wufoo - making forms easy

Life Sciences



Knowledge Management

  • gnowsis the Semantic Desktop environment
  • Text Mining
    • Machine readability - Nature article
    • BioText - infrastructure to support the development and deployment of statistical approaches to natural language processing, which will identify entities and relations between them in bioscience texts
    • OpenText Mining Interface (OTMI)
    • Arrowsmith explores the causes of disease
    • EBIMed is a web application that combines Information Retrieval and Extraction from Medline
    • BIONLP - natural language processing of biology text] - Bob Futrelle's page
  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - this book describes the nature of knowledge, its representation, inference based on knowledge, and many other topics (sample chapters available online)