User:Jessica Perez/CloningWorkflow

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Before you start any cloning in the lab you first do the following:

  1. Decide what parts you need
  2. Design primers
  3. Draw up your expected plasmid. This can be done in Word or freely avalible DNA editor software such as <html>

<body> <a href=""> APE</a> </body> </html>.

Source of DNA

function init() {

   if (window.goSamples) goSamples();  // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
   // Note that we do not use $ here as an alias for go.GraphObject.make because we are using $ for jQuery
   var GO = go.GraphObject.make;  // for conciseness in defining templates
   myDiagram = new go.Diagram("myDiagram");  // must name or refer to the DIV HTML element
   // define several shared Brushes
   var grad1 = GO(go.Brush, go.Brush.Linear, { 0: "rgb(115,220,241)", 0.5: "rgb(105,210,231)", 1: "rgb(75,180,201)" });
   var brush1 = "rgb(65,180,181)";
   var grad2 = GO(go.Brush, go.Brush.Linear, { 0: "rgb(177,229,226)", 0.5: "rgb(167,219,216)", 1: "rgb(137,189,186)" });
   var brush2 = "rgb(127,179,176)";
   var grad3 = GO(go.Brush, go.Brush.Linear, { 0: "rgb(234,238,214)", 0.5: "rgb(224,228,204)", 1: "rgb(194,198,174)" });
   var brush3 = "rgb(184,188,164)";
   var grad4 = GO(go.Brush, go.Brush.Linear, { 0: "rgb(253,164,58)", 0.5: "rgb(243,134,48)", 1: "rgb(213,104,18)" });
   var brush4 = "rgb(203,84,08)";
   myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("", // default
     GO(go.Node, go.Panel.Auto,
       { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
       new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
       GO(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
         { strokeWidth: 2, fill: grad1, name: "SHAPE" },
         new go.Binding("figure", "figure"),
         new go.Binding("fill", "fill"),
         new go.Binding("stroke", "stroke")
         { margin: 5,
           maxSize: new go.Size(200, NaN),
           wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit,
           textAlign: "center",
           editable: true,
           font: "bold 9pt Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
           name: "TEXT" },
         new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay())));
   myDiagram.allowDrop = true;  // must be true to accept drops from the Palette
   // initialize the Palette that is in a floating, draggable HTML container
   myPalette = new go.Palette("myPalette");  // must name or refer to the DIV HTML element
   myPalette.nodeTemplateMap = myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap;
   myPalette.model = new go.GraphLinksModel([
     { text: "Lake", fill: grad1, stroke: brush1, figure: "Hexagon" },
     { text: "Ocean", fill: grad2, stroke: brush2, figure: "Rectangle" },
     { text: "Sand", fill: grad3, stroke: brush3, figure: "Diamond" },
     { text: "Goldfish", fill: grad4, stroke: brush4, figure: "Octagon" }
   myPalette.addDiagramListener("InitialLayoutCompleted", function(diagramEvent) {
     var pdrag = document.getElementById("paletteDraggable");
     var palette = diagramEvent.diagram;
     var paddingHorizontal = palette.padding.left + palette.padding.right;
     var paddingVertical = + palette.padding.bottom; = palette.documentBounds.width + 20  + "px"; = palette.documentBounds.height + 30 + "px";
   var info = document.getElementById("myInfo");
   myDiagram.addChangedListener(function (e) {
     var sel = e.diagram.selection;
     var str = "";
     if (sel.count === 0) {
       str = "Selecting nodes in the main Diagram will display information here.";
       info.innerHTML = str;
     } else if (sel.count > 1) {
       str = sel.count + " objects selected.";
       info.innerHTML = str;
     // One object selected, display some information
     var elem = sel.first();
     var shape = elem.findObject("SHAPE");
     var txtblock = elem.findObject("TEXT");
     str += "

Selected Node:


     str += "

Figure: "

+ shape.figure + "


     str += "

Text: "

+ txtblock.text + "


     var strokeColor = shape.stroke;
     str += 'Color: ';
     info.innerHTML = str;
     // Initialize color picker
         color: strokeColor,
         // Change colors by constructing a gradient
         change: function(color) {
           var c = color.toRgb();
           var r,g,b;
           var grad1 = new go.Brush(go.Brush.Linear);
           r = Math.min(c.r + 10, 255);
           g = Math.min(c.g + 10, 255);
           b = Math.min(c.b + 10, 255);
           grad1.addColorStop(0, "rgb(" + r +","+ g +","+ b + ")");
           grad1.addColorStop(0.5, color.toRgbString());
           r = Math.max(c.r - 30, 0);
           g = Math.max(c.g - 30, 0);
           b = Math.max(c.b - 30, 0);
           grad1.addColorStop(1, "rgb(" + r +","+ g +","+ b+  ")");
           shape.fill = grad1;
           shape.stroke = "rgb(" + r +","+ g +","+ b+  ")";
           txtblock.stroke = (r < 100 && g < 100 && b < 100) ? "white" : "black";

   $(function() {
       $("#paletteDraggable").draggable({handle: "#paletteDraggableHandle"}).resizable({
         // After resizing, perform another layout to fit everything in the palette's viewport
         stop: function(){ myPalette.layoutDiagram(true); }
       $("#infoDraggable").draggable({handle: "#infoDraggableHandle"});