User:Michael S. Serfas/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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(Sequence import and trivial functions (a piece of DNAScript) - test - not sure how to break up the functions if imported here (css missing))
m (whoops)
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function ntsequence(id) {
function ntsequence(id) {
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Revision as of 17:00, 24 July 2013

<html> <script> //<![CDATA[

function ntsequence(id) {

   /* Class prototype for sequence elements made from (presently) "branchseqdata" and "rootseqdata" textarea values */ = id;
   this.set = function(data) {
       this.elem.value = data || "";
   this.elem = document.getElementById(id);
   this.scramble = function() {
       /* Create a scrambled-nucleotide control for various measurements */
       var pull, newarray = [], 
           seqarray = this.elem.value.split("");
       while (seqarray[1]) {
           pull = seqarray.splice(Math.floor(seqarray.length * Math.random()), 1);
       this.elem.value = newarray.join('');
       seqarray = null;
       newarray = null;
   this.reverse = function() {
       var seqarray = this.elem.value.split("");
       seqarray = seqarray.reverse();
       this.elem.value = seqarray.join('');
       seqarray = null;
   this.complement = function() {
       // Nucleotide code opposites
       // (meant to improve this structure...) var complement = {a: "T", c: "G", g: "C", t: "A", u: "A", r: "Y", y: "R", k: "M", m: "K", b: "V", v: "B", d: "H", h: "D", w: "W", s: "S"},
       this.toDNA(); //temporarily cast as DNA for consistent handling
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.toLowerCase(); //this function uses uppercase to denote already replaced nts
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/a/g, "T");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/t/g, "A");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/c/g, "G");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/g/g, "C");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/y/g, "R");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/r/g, "Y");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/k/g, "M");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/m/g, "K");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/b/g, "V");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/v/g, "B");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/d/g, "H");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/h/g, "D");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.toLowerCase(); //back to lowercase
       rnadna(); //recover original RNA/DNA status for all sequences from the checkbox
   this.cleanup = function() {
       var fasta = document.getElementById( + "-fasta");
       fasta.innerHTML = this.elem.value.match(/>.*\n/) || "";
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/>.*\n/, "");
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.toLowerCase(); //all one case for these things
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/x/g, "n"); // occasionally x's used to be encountered for N's, though this may not happen nowadays
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/[^acgtunrykmbdhvws\.\-]/g, ""); //remove non-genome letters.  Both t,u allowed here
       rnadna(); //restoring proper RNA/DNA status for all sequences as part of every cleanup (many bugs start from t/u mixups!)
   this.toDNA = function() {
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/u/g, "t");
   this.toRNA = function() {
       this.elem.value = this.elem.value.replace(/t/g, "u");
   this.translate = function() {
       // The degenerate nucleotide codes decomposed to arrays
       var outarray = ['<div id="translateoutput">'],
           output = document.getElementById("output"), 
           SeC = document.getElementById("SeC"), 
           PyL = document.getElementById("PyL"), 
           degen = setdegen(),
           altcode = {SeC: ["uga", "U"], PyL: ["uag", "O"], mitoW: ["uga", "W"], mitoM: ["aua", "M"], mitoS: ["agr", "S"], mitoX: ["agr", "*"], mitoN: ["aaa", "N"], mitoT: ["cun", "T"], mitoY: ["uaa", "Y"]},
           tcodon = {uuu: "F", uuc: "F", uug: "L", uua: "L", cuu: "L", cua: "L", cuc: "L", cug: "L", auu: "I", auc: "I", aua: "I", aug: "M", guu: "V", guc: "V", gua: "V", gug: "V", ucu: "S", ucc: "S", uca: "S", ucg: "S", ccu: "P", ccc: "P", cca: "P", ccg: "P", acu: "T", acc: "T", aca: "T", acg: "T", gcu: "A", gcc: "A", gca: "A", gcg: "A", uau: "Y", uac: "Y", uaa: "*", uag: "*", cau: "H", cac: "H", caa: "Q", cag: "Q", aau: "N", aac: "N", aaa: "K", aag: "K", gau: "D", gac: "D", gaa: "E", gag: "E", ugu: "C", ugc: "C", uga: "*", ugg: "W", cgu: "R", cgc: "R", cga: "R", cgg: "R", agu: "S", agc: "S", aga: "R", agg: "R", ggu: "G", ggc: "G", gga: "G", ggg: "G"};
       output.innerHTML = ""; //retake the memory of what may be a very bulky output from dotplot, etc.
       for (i in altcode) {
           elem = document.getElementById(i);
           if (elem && elem.checked) {
               for (j in degen[altcode[i][0].slice(2,3)]) {
                   tcodon[altcode[i][0].slice(0,2)+degen[altcode[i][0].slice(2,3)][j]] = altcode[i][1];
       rnadna("RNA"); //all the rules here are written to translate RNA, and the checkbox is updated
       // not needed to auto-reference sequence, output id's by getElementById?
       seqarray = this.elem.value.split("");
       seqarray = seqarray.reverse(); // .pop will pull out the first nucleotide
       c = this.elem.value.length / 3;
       if (!(frame3.checked || frame2.checked)) {
           frame1.checked = true;
       if (frame3.checked) {
           c = c - 2 / 3;
       } else {
           if (frame2.checked) {
               c = c - 1 / 3;
       if (c > 0) {
           do {
               c -= 1;
               aareturnhash = {};
               aareturnarr = [];
               nt = [];
               for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
               if (tcodon[nt.join("")]) {
               } else {
                   b1 = degen[nt[0]];
                   b2 = degen[nt[1]];
                   b3 = degen[nt[2]];
                   if (b3) {
                       for (x1 = 0; b1[x1]; x1++) {
                           for (x2 = 0; b2[x2]; x2++) {
                               for (x3 = 0; b3[x3]; x3++) {
                                   codon = b1[x1] + b2[x2] + b3[x3];
                                   aareturn = tcodon[codon.toLowerCase()];
                                   if (!aareturnhash[aareturn]) {
                                       aareturnhash[aareturn] = true;
                   tcodon[nt.join("")] = "[" + aareturnarr.join("") + "]";
                   if (aareturnarr[1]) {
                   outarray.push(aareturnarr.join("") || "");
                   if (aareturnarr[1]) {
           } while (c > 0);
       outarray.push('</div><button onclick="newtranslateproteinwindow(output.innerHTML);">New window with this protein</button>');
       output.innerHTML = outarray.join("");
       outarray = null;
       rnadna(); //restore proper RNA/DNA status display per user preference
       window.setTimeout(saveargs, 0); // extra fork of a process to display all the args as a URL


function rnadna(force) {

   // this isn't very efficient nor object oriented, but to help limit bugs EVERY sequence is set to RNA/DNA according to the checkbox EVERY time it is read
   var seq = new ntsequence("branchseqdata"),
       seq2 = new ntsequence("rootseqdata"),
       DNA = document.getElementById("DNA"), 
       RNA = document.getElementById("RNA");
   if (force === "RNA") {
       RNA.checked = true;
   if (force === "DNA") {
       DNA.checked = true;
   if (DNA.checked) {
   if (RNA.checked) {


function importbranchseq() {

   var myserver = document.getElementById("branchseqserver").value,
   gi = document.getElementById("branchseqgi").value,
   yyy = document.createElement("script"); = "jsonp"
   yyy.type = "text/javascript";
   yyy.onload = function(){document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].removeChild(yyy)};
   yyy.src = (myserver + "ncbi_to_jsonp/?db=nuccore&rettype=fasta&id="+gi);


function callback(dict,seqname) {

   var seq = new ntsequence(seqname || "branchseqdata");

} //]]> </script> </head> <body>

<p><div name="branchseqdata-fasta" id="branchseqdata-fasta"></div></p>

<p><textarea type="text" name="branchseqdata" class="sequence" cols="100%" rows="20" id="branchseqdata" autofocus spellcheck="false" onblur="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.cleanup();"></textarea></p>

<p>Sequence type:&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="seqtype" value="DNA" id="DNA" checked="checked" onclick="rnadna('DNA');">DNA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="seqtype" value="RNA" id="RNA" onclick="rnadna('RNA');">RNA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id="button" name="reverse complement" onclick="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.cleanup; seq.reverse(); seq.complement();">Reverse complement</button><button id="button" name="scramble" onclick="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.cleanup(); seq.scramble();">Scramble this sequence</button></p> <p><button onclick="importbranchseq();">Import</button> the above sequence: gi <input type="text" id="branchseqgi" size="15" value=""></input> from <a href="">EFetch</a> (requires a very simple JSONP server at <input type="text" size="30" value="" id="branchseqserver"></input> </div><div name="ss" style="display:none;" id="ss-1seq"> <h3>Translation settings</h3>

<p><em>This function accepts degenerate nucleotide codes. Positions which may contain one of several amino acids list all possibilities in brackets.</p>

<p>Some alternative genetic code options are listed below.</em></p>

<p><button class="outputbutton" id="test" name="translate" onclick="//lastfunction.innerHTML='translate'; var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.translate();">Translate</button> frame <input type="radio" name="frame" value="1" id="frame1" checked="checked" onclick="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.translate();">1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</input><input type="radio" name="frame" value="2" id="frame2" onclick="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.translate();">2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</input> <input type="radio" name="frame" value="3" id="frame3" onclick="var seq = new ntsequence('branchseqdata'); seq.translate();">3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SeC" id="SeC" value="OFF" onclick="mitoW.checked = false;">UGA = Selenocysteine (U)</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="PyL" id="PyL" value="OFF">UAG = Pyrrolysine (O)</input></p>

<p><a href="">Mitochondrial codes:</a> <input type="checkbox" name="mitoW" id="mitoW" value="OFF" onclick="SeC.checked = false;">UGA = W</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoM" id="mitoM" value="OFF">AUA = M</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoS" id="mitoS" value="OFF" onclick="mitoX.checked = false;">AGR = S</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoX" id="mitoX" value="OFF" onclick="mitoS.checked = false;">AGR = *</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoN" id="mitoN" value="OFF">AAA = N</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoT" id="mitoT" value="OFF">CUN = T</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="mitoY" id="mitoY" value="OFF">UAA = Y</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </body> </html>