User:Michael VR Muse/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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Identifying Different Species in the Hay Infusion Culture January 22 2015

Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to observe different protists in a Hay Infusion Culture. The experiment was also used to regain familiarity with the compound light microscope and its different components such as the ocular micrometer. Typically students do not think about small organisms such as protists on a day to day basis but they are far more abundant than humans and play a vital role on the survival of life on Earth. Therefore another purpose of the experiment was to come to a realization of the frequency and importance of these organisms. Finally, the last part of the experiment was to set up a serial dilution for next week's laboratory.

Materials and Methods: The materials used were two different samples from the hay infusion culture, disposable pipettes, disposable slides, the compound light microscope, a dichotomous key, a bunsen burner, a clear rod for spreading, 6 agar plates, and a P100.

The first part of Lab was to observe wet mounts of known organisms under the microscope. Then observe the organism and make notes of their size, shape, color, and special structures used for motility. Then, using the dichotomous key, answers to different questions confirmed the identity of the organism. Then samples from the Hay infusion culture were taken from the top of the culture and the bottom. Each sample was then mounted on a wet mount and observed under the microscope. Then, like earlier with the dichotomous key, organisms were identified and recorded. Finally the last part of lab was preparing a serial dilution. 10 microliters of broth were placed in 3 test tubes. Then 10 microliters of the hay infusion were put into the first test tube. This was swirled around then ten microliters from test tube 1 was put in test tube 2, and then another 10 microliters was taken from test tube 2 and placed in test tube 3. Then 100 microliters was taken from tube 1 and plated on 2 different agar plates. One of the plates was only agar and one was agar and tetracycline. The sample was spread around with the clear rod and then sterilized with the bunsen burner for its next use. These steps were repeated from tube 2 and tube 3 by taking the 100 microliters and plating them on plates with agar and plates with agar and tetracycline.

Data and observations:

Figure 1. Image of the side view of the Hay Infusion Culture.

Figure 2. Image of an aerial view of the Hay Infusion Culture.

Observations in regard to the Hay Infusion Culture:

1.) Smell is indescribably bad

2.) Water has changed to a murky brown color

3.) Parts of leaves and grass float on the surface

4.) Small build up of sediment on the bottom

5.) The water level has dropped from the original amount

Figure 3. Image of the drawing of the protist Colpidium sp found from a sample taken from the bottom of the Hay Infusion Culture.

Figure 4. Image of the drawing of the protists Chlamydomonas (top) and Peranema sp (bottom) found from a sample taken from the surface of the Hay Infusion Culture.

Observations with regard to organisms found from the two samples: - Only 1 protist was found from the bottom sample while there were two different types (6 total) of protists found from the sample from the surface. This distribution could be because different protists obtain their energy in different ways. Some eat decayed matter which would make sense for the protist at the bottom and some get their energy from the sunlight which would make sense for the protists found on the surface near the plant matter. Being on the surface does not completely mean these protists are photosynthesizing it just means they are likely to be. -Based off of where the samples were taken I would predict Colpidium sp to be protozoa and Chlamydomonas and Peranema sp to be algae. - All of the protists were motile

Chlamydomonas: - This organism fits all of the needs of life because... 1.) It acquires and uses energy from photosynthesis. 2.) There were 5 of this specific protist found so it definitely replicates. 3.) It is made up of a single membrane bound cell. 4.) It encodes and processes information to realize that the light comes from above so it naturally moves in that direction. Also the 5 different Chlamydomonas found were very similar in size shape and motility therefore genetic information was passed down. 5.) It is only one species of protist showing that there are other species in the same phyla proving evolution.

Figure 5. Image of the drawing of the serial dilutions.

Conclusions and Future Directions: Based on the data and observations protists are definitely more abundant than a typical student would think. After just observing two wet mounts 7 protists were identified. If I were to make an adjustment for the experiment I would have provided a better dichotomous key. The dichotomous key provided was good but lacked some information on the size of certain protists which was crucial for correctly identifying it. Finally if the Hay Infusion culture grew for another 2 months I would predict that the water level would keep dropping, food sources would diminish, and the niche would reach carrying capacity. --Michael VR Muse 12:43, 29 January 2015 (EST)MVRM

1.27.15 Excellent first lab book entry. Well organized, clear and nice diagram. Images could be a bit smaller. SK

American University Transect January 15 2015

Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to observe different species in a designated transect on campus. This provided real life examples of biodiversity and helped strengthen each students understanding of the different components of evolution. The experiment also provided a sample from the transect for a Hay Infusion Culture which will be used for future experiments. The last part of lab was spent observing the Volvocine line to once again strengthen the understanding of evolution and to practice using the microscope.

Materials and Methods: The materials used were simply a tube and a flashlight. The methods started with finding the transect. Then determining its boundary. Then observing the different biotic and abiotic components of it. Then drawing the transect. Then finally collecting the sample.

For the second part of lab the compound light microscope was used to observe the Volvocine line. This started with first observing Chlamydomonas, then Gonium, then Volvox.

Data and Observations:

Figure 1. Image of the drawing of the transect with a key of the different components observed.

Biotic - grass (north) -tall grass (east) -red bush (west) -red flower (east) -cottontail plant (east) -organisms in the soil (north,west,east,and west) Figure 2. List of Biotic components

Abiotic -stand (east) -drain (southwest) -Dunkin Donuts cup (west) -straw (southwest) -rocks (north west east and south) Figure 3. List of abiotic components

Figure 4. Image of data table for observations of Volvocine Line

Conclusions and Future Directions: Based on the data and observations clearly there are many different biotic and abiotic components in the transect. The data and observations gave a great real life example of biodiversity and definitely strengthened the understanding of evolution. Also the Volvocine clearly demonstrated how evolution takes place. If I were to do the experiment again I would have tried to get in the areas that were tougher to see to observe more biotic and abiotic components of the transect.

--Michael VR Muse 18:50, 21 January 2015 (EST)MVRM