User:Philip S. Sumberaz/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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January 25, 2015 I was assigned to Group Number 5 in Section 5 Biology 210 lab. Our group 5 goes to the quad outside the Hurst building, around the middle of the lawn. Our transect includes mostly manicured grass lawn, and has some mulched soil for gardened plants around the middle of the quadrangle center. Part of the cement wall from the center mural space comes into the transect from the west side. Some rose bushes, or at least thorny plants, grow in the soil; on top of some frilly bushes. The ground itself is fairly flat, and at the time, quite wet due to the recent precipitation. Abiotic factors in our transect include: Snow, the cement wall, dirt, woodchips, and water; Biotic factors include: Grass, Bushes, Leaves, Sticks, and Bugs.