User:Student 55/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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Thursday, February 4, 2016 The Hay Infusion Culture water is a clear/yellow ish color. The water has brown sediments of dirt on the bottom, and a film of bacteria, mold, and algae on the top. There is less water in the jar and the smell has become increasingly worse. The water smells like sewer or pond water. These changes are caused by microorganisms in the infused culture. The smell and appearance of the Hay Infusion Culture is hypothesized as a result from the growth of algae and mold on the top layer of the jars. From week to week this could chance due to the water and plant life incorporated in the jars. The archaea species will grow on the agar plates because single cells can become isolated on these plates allowing them to grow.

The number of colonies differ in how much bacteria was presented on certain plates. It was observed that plates containing the tetracycline had more resistance to the growth of bacteria and fungi colonies unlike the agar plates that did not contain the antibiotic tetracycline. Plates that did not contain tetracycline grew many colonies varying in size and color. The two groups contained serial dilutions ranging from 10^-3 to 10^-9 (only counting odd numbers) The first group did not contain the tetracycline and their colonies were 10^-3=880 10^-5=213 10^-7=150 and 10^-9=80. From this data we observe that the larger the dilution number the more resistant the bacteria and fungi are to growing on the agar plate. The second group did contain the tetracycline and their colonies were 10^-3=28 10^-5=1 10^-7=0 and 10^-9=0. From this data we can conclude that the lower the tetracycline dilution was the higher the chance of forming colonies on the agar plates.

Thursday, January 21, 2016 The Hay Infusion Culture smells like a sewer. Its appearance is moldy; mucky; cloudy. On the top of the jar there is a film of mold. It is apparent that organisms live closer to the surface because theres oxygen and further away from the plant matter because it was submerged in solution. The protist and algae that are present are, (In the top layer) Gonium at 12.5 ocular spaces is a motile algae organism. Pandorina at ... ocular spaces is a motile algae organism as well. Colpidium at ... ocular spaces, is a non motile protozoan organism. (In the middle layer) there are Volvox at ... ocular spaces, this organism has characteristics of both protozoa and algae. This organism is motile by the use of flagella. Paramecium Bursaria at ... ocular spaces, is a motile protozoan organism. Spirostomum at ... ocular spaces, is a motile, protozoa, organism that uses cillia. (In the bottom layer) there are Blepharisma at ... ocular spaces that is a motile protozoa. Didinum Cyst at ... ocular spaces are protozoan organisms. Chilomonas Sp. at ... ocular spaces, is a protozoan organism. If the Hay Infusion Culture were to grow for another two months we would find many forms of life growing on the surface of the jar. We would also have other forms of protozoa and algae living off of the plant life in the jar. The carrying capacity for certain organism could exceed others creating extinction of some organisms and over population of others. BS

Thursday, January 14, 2016 The 20 x 20 foot dimension transect we observed as in the garden located adjacent to the Butler Pavilion. There was many abiotic factors such as rocks, dirt, and twigs. The biotic factors included Grass, plants, leaves, and small organisms in the soil. The items were scattered throughout the transect. BS