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===search for strings / replace strings (grep & sed)===
===search for strings / replace strings (grep & sed)===
We can search the text files using command called "grep". Few examples:

#compressing / uncompressing files (gzip, bzip2, tar)
#general pattern:
grep some_word text_file_name

#awk in 5 minutes
grep ITALY my_file.txt #prints all lines containing the word ITALY

#where to go from there (clusters, python)
grep -v ITALY my_file.txt #"reverse grep" prints all lines not containing ITALY
grep -c ITALY my_file.txt #just counts the number of lines containing ITALY
grep "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta #prints all FASTA headers (lines starting with ">" sign)
grep -c "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta # prints number of sequences in the multiple fasta file
Instead of opening an editor and doing search and replace, we can do it on a command line, using utility called sed, and operate both on files or use pipes.
sed 's/ITALY/SPAIN/g' my_file.txt # replaces each occurrence of ITALY with SPAIN
grep "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta  | sed 's/>//g' # we get all FASTA headers and then remove the ">" sign, getting just the proper FASTA IDs
===compressing / uncompressing files (gzip, tar)===
The sequence files are often really big, and we save space and time during downloads by compressing them. There are several compression programs, but the most frequently used is gzip:
gzip some_file #we will get some_file.gz, and the original uncompressed one will be removed
gunzip some_file.gz # reversing the process, we get some_file
Program sources (almost always) or data are distributed not as single file but bundled in one file with "tar" program, then compressed for easier transfers/storage.
#we downloaded program_123.tar
tar xfv program_123.tar #this will unpack the content of the tar archive
#we downloaded program_123.tar.gz
tar xfvz program_123.tar.gz #this will unpack the content of the compressed by gzip tar archive
#we want to create tar archive containing all data_001.txt to data_100.txt (assuming there are only 100such files in this directory)
#tar cfv result.tar files_to_be_archived
tar cfvz my data.tar data_*.txt
#to create gzipped archive
tar cfvz my data.tar.gz data_*.txt
===awk in few minutes===
Awk is a simple programing language used for basic text processing. It is still being used because often it is faster to write and execute a command in awk than write small small script in more advanced languages, such as perl, or python. The basic concept is that awk splits the lines of the text into individual words/numbers (== great for text files in a column form), which we can then access using $column_number notation
awk '{print $1}' my_data.txt # prints just first column of the file
awk '{print $1"_my_new_label"}' # prints first column but also "_my_new_label" string just after it
We can perform simple calculations, (assuming we have columns of numbers).
#this will simply sum all the numbers from the first column then print that number
awk '{ sum+=$1} END {print sum}' my_data.txt
===where to go from there (shell scripts, python, clusters, )===


Revision as of 05:34, 8 November 2013

Winterschool program

Software list


  1. linux Ubuntu 12.04.3 vs Debian 7.1 (think about 32 vs 64 bit versions)
  2. java

Specific tools 1

  1. FastQC
  1. TagDust:
  2. fastareformat from fastareformat exonerate-2.2.0 [1]
  3. fixing fasta headers (gff fields) with python? small script
  4. GEM [2]
    1. CAVEAT: (problem with cores on different laptops...)

  1. BWA
  2. Stampy
  3. last (the 362 versiona has split and splice-mapping options)
  4. bowtie (bowtie2)
  5. samtools
  6. picard
  7. IGV/ IGVtools
  1. bamtools
    1. requires cmake: (or apt get)
  2. bedtools
  3. GATK (download yourself: license!)
  4. vcftools

Specific tools 2/RNA-Seq

  1. tophat
  2. cufflinks (may require Boost libs!)
  3. GEMtools

Vagrant fixes

For X11 forwarding the Vagrantfile has to contain

config.ssh.forward_x11 = true

Introduction to Linux and the command line

  1. why Linux?
    1. runs on everything from cell phones to supercomputers
    2. long history of stable tools
    3. most of the bioinformatics software was written and intended to run on Linux

logging in, connecting to other servers with ssh / sftp

As with other computers, one requires username password combination to connect to a specific computer. This combination can be specific to each of the computers or shared between i.e. all workstations at a given location.

SSH is a name for secure, encrypted connections between computers. It consist of two components, ssh server running on a remote machine and a ssh client on your laptop / workstation. The client is included in the default installations of recent Linux and OS X (Mac), but on Windows one has to install it ( ). It is not required you have it for the course, but it is a good idea to have it on your computer if you want to access remote servers on the command line.

With properly configured ssh connection (on Linux and Mac) you can run not just command line programs but also graphical user interface. This is also possible on Windows, but it is way more complicated to set up.

XXX Emilio: start vagrant or Linux from inside your virtual box machine, log in XXX

File and directories naming

Linux is case sensitive, do MyFile.txt is different from MYFILE.TXT or myfile.txt. Try to use some consistent naming schemes for your project directories, input data or result files. You can use very long, descriptive names, like these result files from ENCODE project:


Things to keep in mind:

    1. never ever use space/tabs in your file/directory names
    2. avoid Unix special characters in file names (!?"'%&^~*$|/\{}[]()<>:)

Linux directory structure/navigating

As with Windows and Mac systems one can imagine the systems of directories (synonym of folders) as a giant tree, where each of the branches has an upper directory and may contain lower level directories (sub-directories). At the top of this branched hierarchy it is just one place from where everything starts (no C:, D: X: drives), and in Unix speak it is called root directory. Some examples of directory naming:





Individual users have separate directories in which they store their data, results etc.

Some shortcuts to remember (what is after # sign is a description):

/ #root directory

~ #your home directory

.. #one directory above

.  #current directory  

There are few commands to move between directories, create new ones, and list what is located there:

pwd #print working directory = show where you are

ls #list what is located in the current directory

ls -l #list what is located in the current directory with details

cd /home/linus/projects/chicken #go to this directory

cd - # special shortcut to go back to the directory you have been before

cd / #go to the root directory

cd ~ #go to your home directory spec

cd .. #go todirectory one level above the current one

mkdir mynew_directory #create new directory

rmdir myold_directory #remove some directory (it must be empty!)

Absolute vs relative directory naming

We can do all the operations on directories or files using two conventions:

# absolute directory path starting with root "/"

ls /home/linus/projects/chicken/genome.fasta

#relative directory path (lets assume we are in  /home/linus/projects/banana/)

ls ../chicken/genome.fasta

This is useful shortcut for saving typing and avoiding errors when i.e. working on different systems.


In order to restrict actions associated with a given file or directory, each entity has 3 flags (r = read, w = write, e = execute) for 3 groups of users (file owner, group to which file owner belongs, i.e. students, and "all" for all the remaining users on that computer). So we have 9 fields describing what each of these groups can do with the file. On the top of it (or rather in the front of the string) we have another flag to tell us about what kind of thing it is ("-" = just a regular file, d = directory, l = link, etc.)

By default, owner has read+write permissions, his group members can read but not write (modify or delete) his files, and the rest of the word should have no right to see content of his files. These permissions are visible when listing content of a directory with "ls -l":

-rwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant users    49 Nov  7 14:43
-rw-r----- 1 vagrant users  1812 Nov  7 14:39 myfile01.txt
---------- 1 vagrant users  9045 Nov  7 14:41 myfile02.txt
-r--r--r-- 1 vagrant users  2016 Nov  7 14:39 myfile03.txt
-rw------- 1 vagrant users 67863 Nov  7 14:40 myfile04.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant users  8125 Nov  7 14:40 myfile05.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 vagrant users  7233 Nov  7 14:40 myfile06.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant users    12 Nov  7 14:50 myfile07.txt -> myfile06.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 vagrant users     0 Nov  7 14:50 test_dir1

To change permissions, we have to specify first the group we want to modify, action (add permissions or remove them) then the permission themselves, finaly the name of the file(s):

chmod a+x #add execute permission to for all 

chmod a-w # remove write permission for owner, group and the rest

This is often useful for sharing data / results with other users on the same machine or when writing scripts/executing some programs downloaded from the net.

copy, rename/move files, create symbolic links

Often we need to organize files in directories from the existing ones, which requires moving thing around, making copies, renaming directories and files. To save space or to avoid using long path names, we can create links to other existing files or folders.

CAVEAT: both cp and mv commands will perform the task without warning if the destination file exist. It is one of the ways of destroying your data. To avoid this error use "cp -i" or "mv -i" which will ask you for confirmation when you are overwriting existing file.

#copy move rename pattern: 
cp/mv source destination

cp file1.txt file2.txt

cp file1.txt /some/directory/of/your/choice/ 

cp /home/linus/projecs/linus/file1.txt . #notice the space and the dot "." at the end of the command. The command is copy the file to the current directory

Instead of doing copy (original file stays intact) one can do mv (move/rename) where only the new copy remains and the old one is destroyed.

mv file1.txt file2.txt

mv file1.txt /some/directory/of/your/choice/ 

mv /home/linus/projecs/linus/file1.txt . #notice the space and the dot "." at the end of the command. The command is copy the file to the current directory

Linking is a way of organizing your data. I.e. you have one big genome fasta file, and want to map your next generation sequencing reads using different mappers, which will require using this one file as an input to several programs. You can store your fasta file in one directory (i.e. /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/genome1.fa) and create links to this file in several subdirectories /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/bwa_mapping/, /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/bowtie2_mapping/, etc.). The command:

cd /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/bwa_mapping/
ln -s  /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/genome1.fa .

cd /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/bowtie2_mapping/
ln -s  /home/vagrant/projects/chicken/genome1.fa .

view files (more/less, head, tail), count (wc)

There are two basic types of files, text files and binary files. A lot of file formats in bioinformatics belong to simple text files, so the basic viewing/processing them is essential. Never ever do not try to open big text files (say few GB FASTQ file) in an editor, be it an editor on Linux or Microsoft Word...

Basic checking of the file content:

more myfile04.txt #displays content of the file screen by screen

less myfile04.txt #same as above but you can scroll back

head myfile04.txt #displays just the first 10 top lines of the file

head -100 myfile04.txt #displays the first 100 lines 

tail myfile04.txt  #displays just the last 10 lines of the file

tail -100 myfile04.txt  #displays  the last 100 lines of the file

wc myfile04.txt #newline, word, and byte counts for the file

wc -l myfile04.txt # just count the lines of the file

Using these commands is very useful for basic sanity check, so we can be sure that the FASTA file looks OK, that we have X lines in the file etc. First practical NGS application:

Q: how many reads do we have in our FASTQ file A: count the lines in FASTQ file, divide by 4 (each sequence occupies 4 lines)

pattern matching, redirection and piping

Instead of using full name of a file each time, we can substitute part of the file name with special characters. Say we want to list the names all the files with .txt suffix ( myfile01.txt, myfile02.txt, etc. ) in a directory. And lets say we have about 500 of these:

ls *.txt

On Linux we can capture the output of one simple command (assuming it produces a text output) and do something useful with it, instead of just reading it from the screen. If we want to count how many such files we got, we can pipe "|" (vertical line, not the letter "I") the output of the ls command to wc command:

ls *.txt | wc -l #displays the number of .txt files in this directory

We can also redirect the output to a file, creating i.e. list of txt files with names starting with some letter (redirection with single ">":

ls m*.txt > list_of_txt_files_starting_with_m.fof  #we create a new file listing m*.txt files 

Or we can keep on adding the text to some file, which will be created if it does not exist (redirection with double ">>"):

ls a*.txt >> list_of_txt_files_starting_with_a_or_m.fof  #file is created and we get just a*.txt file names in it
ls m*.txt >> list_of_txt_files_starting_with_a_or_m.fof  #file exists, so we are just appending   m*.txt file names to it
more list_of_txt_files_starting_with_a_or_m.fof

search for strings / replace strings (grep & sed)

We can search the text files using command called "grep". Few examples:

#general pattern:
grep some_word text_file_name

grep ITALY my_file.txt #prints all lines containing the word ITALY

grep -v ITALY my_file.txt #"reverse grep" prints all lines not containing ITALY

grep -c ITALY my_file.txt #just counts the number of lines containing ITALY

grep "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta #prints all FASTA headers (lines starting with ">" sign)

grep -c "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta # prints number of sequences in the multiple fasta file

Instead of opening an editor and doing search and replace, we can do it on a command line, using utility called sed, and operate both on files or use pipes.

sed 's/ITALY/SPAIN/g' my_file.txt # replaces each occurrence of ITALY with SPAIN

grep "^>" multiple_sequences.fasta  | sed 's/>//g' # we get all FASTA headers and then remove the ">" sign, getting just the proper FASTA IDs

compressing / uncompressing files (gzip, tar)

The sequence files are often really big, and we save space and time during downloads by compressing them. There are several compression programs, but the most frequently used is gzip:

gzip some_file #we will get some_file.gz, and the original uncompressed one will be removed

gunzip some_file.gz # reversing the process, we get some_file

Program sources (almost always) or data are distributed not as single file but bundled in one file with "tar" program, then compressed for easier transfers/storage.

#we downloaded program_123.tar

tar xfv program_123.tar #this will unpack the content of the tar archive

#we downloaded program_123.tar.gz
tar xfvz program_123.tar.gz #this will unpack the content of the compressed by gzip tar archive

#we want to create tar archive containing all data_001.txt to data_100.txt (assuming there are only 100such files in this directory)
#tar cfv result.tar files_to_be_archived

tar cfvz my data.tar data_*.txt
#to create gzipped archive
tar cfvz my data.tar.gz data_*.txt

awk in few minutes

Awk is a simple programing language used for basic text processing. It is still being used because often it is faster to write and execute a command in awk than write small small script in more advanced languages, such as perl, or python. The basic concept is that awk splits the lines of the text into individual words/numbers (== great for text files in a column form), which we can then access using $column_number notation

awk '{print $1}' my_data.txt # prints just first column of the file

awk '{print $1"_my_new_label"}' # prints first column but also "_my_new_label" string just after it

We can perform simple calculations, (assuming we have columns of numbers).

#this will simply sum all the numbers from the first column then print that number
awk '{ sum+=$1} END {print sum}' my_data.txt 

where to go from there (shell scripts, python, clusters, )


  1. Illumina file formats (quality encodings)
  2. paired / unpaired reads
  3. quality checking (fastqc)
  4. trimming & filtering (TagDust)
  5. source of published FASTQ data: Short Read Archive vs ENA

Genomic fasta and gtf/gff gene annotation

  1. resources at ENSEMBL
  2. basic checks and reformatting
  • grepping fasta headers
  • fasta reformat from exonerate??

Mapping genomic reads

  1. overview of mappers
    1. GEM
    2. bwa +/- stampy
    3. last / bowtie
  2. mapping steps (for each mapper)
  3. genome indexing
  4. mapping
  5. +/- postprocessing

SAM and BAM file formats

  1. Analyzing BAM files
  2. sorting / indexing
  3. viewing the mappings in IGV

tools for processing BAM files

  1. samtools
  2. picard
  3. bamtools

getting mapping stats

  1. extracting reads mapping to regions
  2. getting coverage info for selected regions

Detecting SNPs

  1. general procedure
  2. GATK pipeline
  3. other SNP calling programs [tba]

Working with VCF files

  1. VCF file format
  2. viewing VCFs in IGV
  3. filtering SNPs by quality
  4. set operations on VCF files (common SNPs, unique SNPs)


  1. caveats (ribosomal RNA contamination)
  2. mapping RNASeq
  3. tophat
  4. GRAPE
  5. creating gene models from RNASeq (cufflinks)