20.109(S13):Journal club I (Day6)

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20.109(S13): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Home        Schedule Spring 2013        Assignments       
DNA Engineering        Protein Engineering        Cell Engineering              

Please see Day 8 for paper options and presentation information.

For next time

Part 2 of this assignment is also due on Stellar. Due to instructor illness, Part 2 is now a bonus homework assignment due on M1D8. Your score will get added to the numerator but not denominator of your total homework tally.

  1. Write up the next part of your Methods section (Days 4+5 of the module), applying the feedback you received on your previous draft.
    • If you choose to re-write Days 2+3, you will get feedback on the success of that revision, but your grade will be based solely on Days 4+5.
  2. Prepare a figure and caption for your primer design summary that shows your raw PCR results -- the agarose gel. (Later you might decide to process this data in some way, but not necessarily.) Write an early draft of the accompanying main text paragraph.