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BE.109 Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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DNA engineering        Protein engineering        Systems engineering        Bio-material engineering       

Layout of the class

You will perform four series of experiments (called “modules”) over the course of the semester. The modules differ in length and in the ways you will be assessed. The experiments and your assignments are:

Module Topic Assignment % of Final Grade
1 DNA engineering written report 25
2 Protein engineering oral presentation 10
3 Systems engineering written report 25
4 Bio-material engineering oral presentation + written text 20

You will be working as pairs throughout the semester, but you will be submitting individual lab reports and giving individual oral presentations.

In addition to the assignments listed above there will be

  • Daily Lab Quizzes (5% of final grade)
    • These are intended to refresh your memory about the experiment you are performing. They will not be hard and should take no more than 5 minutes at the beginning of lab.
  • Homework Assignments (10% of final grade)
    • These will vary considerably. You may be asked to perform a calculation, draw a conclusion, and/or make a figure using the data you have collected.
  • Laboratory Notebooks (5% of final grade)
    • You will record your data on the white pages of a bound notebook. The yellow, duplicate pages will be collected and evaluated by the TA.

Late work will be penalized 1/3 of a letter grade for each day late and will not be accepted after a week.

Schedule T/R 11-12 T/R 1-5 or W/F 1-5
Location 13-3101 13-3095
2-2886, 2-2887

“[We] often find an immense amount of satisfaction in the accumulation of facts but lifelong inspiration comes from a chance encounter with an event that provokes awe.” -Anthony Byers

Lab Attendance

Lab attendance is mandatory and there are no make-up labs. A family crisis or severe illness requiring attention from the infirmary and prohibiting you from all your coursework are acceptable reasons for missing lab and every effort will be made to accommodate you in these exceptional circumstances.

Who's who


Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4
Prof. Bevin Engelward
  • 56-631
  • 8-0260
  • bevin AT mit DOT edu
Dr. Natalie Kuldell
  • 56-639
  • 4-0085
  • nkuldell AT mit DOT edu
Prof. Drew Endy
  • 68-580
  • 8-5152
  • endy AT mit DOT edu
Prof. Angela Belcher
  • 16-244
  • 4-2800
  • belcher AT mit DOT edu

Writing instruction

Neal Lerner

  • 68-150A
  • 2-2939
  • nlerner AT mit DOT edu

Oral presentation instruction

Atissa Banuazizi

  • 32-083 (Stata Center basement)
  • atissa AT mit DOT edu

Teaching assistants

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4
Yoon Sung Nam
  • yoonsung AT mit DOT edu
Maria Foley
  • mhfoley AT mit DOT edu
Reshma Shetty
  • rshetty AT mit DOT edu
Eileen Higham
  • emhigham AT mit DOT edu