Biomod/2012/UCSD/tRiton Nano Architects/Team/Michael

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  <li class='active has-sub '><a href=''><span>Home</span></a>
        <li><a href=''><span>Abstract</span></a></li>
        <li><a href=''><span>Video</span></a></li>
  <li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Project Introduction</span></a>
        <li><a href=''><span>Concepts</span></a></li>
  <li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Experiment</span></a>
        <li><a href=''><span>Methods</span></a></li>
  <li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Supplementary Resources</span></a>
        <li><a href=''><span>DNA Architecture Log</span></a></li>
        <li><a href=''><span>Project Ideas</span></a></li>
        <li><a href=''><span>Literature</span></a></li>
  <li><a href=''><span>Team</span></a></li>

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Michael T Tang

Year: 3rd year undergraduate


Role in the team: Through reading scientific papers and looking for ways to extend the research, Michael worked as a tRiton Nano Architect by developing various project ideas for the team during spring and summer 2012. Michael communicated with the team via the Facebook group chat as well as organize the project meetings for the science team and the development team. Michael also acted as the liaison between faculty mentors and the team members. Finally, Michael helped write the wiki for the tRiton Nano Architects in BIOMOD 2012 by creating its template and uploading various material that the team accomplished to the wiki.

Research Interests: Genetic Therapy, Bionanotechnology, Energy storage nanomaterial