Cell Transformation Group:Resources/Cell Lines/Blue Rack (Rack 2)/Blue Box 11

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White Rack (Rack 1) | Blue Rack (Rack 2) | Red Rack (Rack 3)

When stocks are getting low freeze some more down, especially for primary cell lines and commonly used lines

  • When Bringing Hercules MEFs up, please bring up in small flasks.
  • When you use the KO50 Z1, Z4 and Z7 tubes in positins 36, 38, 45, 54, 63 and 72 please freeze down cells at each passage to build up stocks. These are the ONLY tubes we have of these cells.

Updated: 090508 RH

Box 11
Position # Cell line Passage # Date Name Comment
1 U251 150306
2 CSL503 14 051104
3 CSL503 14 051104
4 CSL503 14 051104
5 Murine adult fibroblasts WT 111107
6 Hercules -/- skin 3 220605
7 Hercules -/- skin 3 220605
8 Hercules -/- skin 3 220605
9 Hercules -/- skin 3 220605
10 Mo595 (J?) 070206
11 Hercules Kidney -/- 10p2 090605
12 475 MEF +/- herc 2
13 475 MEF +/- herc 2
14 Hercules Kidney -/- 10p2 090605
15 p53 NW1 MEF 19 110506
16 475 MEF 7 +/- Herc 3 191205
17 475 MEF 7 +/- Herc 3 191205
18 mpro/mpro MEF#4 23 110506
19 DBTRG 05 MG 030406
20 475 MEF 6 +/- Herc 3 191205
21 475 MEF 6 +/- Herc 3 191205
22 Herc Kidney -/- 1° 2 090606
23 Herc kidney -/- 3 220605
24 475 MEF 4 +/- Herc 3 191205
25 Mouse herc -/- kid 3 0605
26 C57Mefs 2 181001
27 mpro/mpro MEF#4 23 110506
28 KO50 Z1 5 130306 p53 null MEFs
29 DBTRG 05 MG 030406
30 475 MEF 6 +/- Herc 3 191205
31 530 +/- L1 2 230306 MEF
32 475 MEF 6 +/- Herc 3 191205
33 C57 MEFs 1 171001
34 C57 MEFs 1 161001
35 C57 MEFs 1 171001
36 Ko50 Z1
37 Murine adult fibroblasts WT 111107
38 KO50 Z1 5 130306 p53 null MEFs
39 PAM
40 530 +/- L6 2 230306 MEF
41 475 MEF 5 +/- Herc 3 191205
42 475 MEF 5 +/- Herc 3 191205
43 C57 MEFs 1 171001
44 C57 MEFs 1 171001
45 KO50 Z4
46 KO50 Z1 5 130306 p53 null MEFs
47 p53 null MEF 19 110506
48 475 MEF 3 +/- Herc 3 191205
49 Herc 530 MEF +/- L5 270306
50 C57 MEFs 1 171001
51 C57 MEFs 1 171001
52 C57 MEFs 1 171001
53 C57 MEFs 1 171001
54 KO50 Z4
55 KO50 Z1 5 130306 p53 null MEFs
56 KO50 Z1 5 130306 p53 null MEFs
57 229 +/- Kidney 2 050705
58 C57 MEFs 1 171001
59 C57 MEFs 1 171001
60 C57 MEFs 1 171001
61 C57 MEFs 1 171001
62 Murine adult fibroblasts WT 111107
63 KO50 Z7
64 530 MEF +/- C6 2 270306
65 530 MEF +/- C6 2 270306
66 PAM
67 C57 MEFs 1 171001
68 C57 MEFs 1 171001
69 C57 MEFs 1 171001
70 C57 MEFs 1 171001
71 C57 MEFs 1 171001
72 KO50 Z7
73 530 MEF +/- R3 2 270306
74 530 MEF +/- R3 2 270306
75 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
76 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
77 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
78 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
79 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
80 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305
81 T-REx HeLa pcDNA6/TR 150305

Rhodri Harfoot 15:14, 22 January 2009 (EST)