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We'll provide WEEKLY updates on our work on the Lead Sensor. Check the calendar for details.

<calendar> name=iGEM:Brown/2007/Lead-sensor date=2007/08/01 view=threemonths format=%name/%year-%month-%day weekstart=7 </calendar>

Background on the Lead Sensor

Public health concern: Lead in soil, paint, water, dust Lead Poisoning is often caused by ingesting contaminated drinking water, or soil. It can cause neurological and gastrointestinal disorders, especially among children.

The legal limit of lead in drinking water is 15 parts per billion.

Current ways of testing for lead either require expensive chemical lab analysis or involve inaccurate home kits.

So why do we want a biosensor? - Cheap - Sensitive - Quick - Specific

Our system involves a Lead detecting promoter, an amplifier, and an output of GFP. We're also working on a system to remove false positives.

Papers and Documents

7/19/07 T7 Info from Barry Canton (MIT)

7/17/07 /T7 parts list


/Draft of sensor design

/AHL tests on Amplifier

/AHL results on T9002

/Using RFP or GFP for sensor

6/13/07 Potential Parts List

/AHL detection

/What to detect?

6/5/07 Tutorial

6/5/07 Working with different promoters attached to GFP

6/5/07 Testing for AHL