Imperial College/Courses/Spring2008/Synthetic Biology/SB Lecture 1

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Spring 2008 - Introduction to Synthetic Biology

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Synthetic Biology Lectures

Foundations for Synthetic Biology

Instructor: Vincent Rouilly

Date: 18th February 2008

Room: Room 1, Whitleys Suite.


  • Press Review: what you might have already heard about SB through the mainstream news.
  • Seminal papers (oscillator + toggle switch)
  • Overview of the current research work + areas of application
  • Let's try to define Synthetic Biology (special focus on how SB differs from traditional genetic engineering)
  • Overview on the Foundations for Synthetic Biology ( Abstraction / Modularity, Standardisation, and Characterisation / Quality Control) - concepts will be developed further in later lectures -
  • Synthetic Biology Community
  • Ethics and Impact on Society

Presentation Slides:

Resources / References :