Kubke Lab:Research/CND/Records/HK032

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EmbryoName HK032- chicken embryo- Stage 22 - 14.1.15

incubated for 48 hours to see if DiO would penetrate - it didn't


Objective To dye seperate branches of each trigeminal nerve different colours to follow their cell bodies and see how they are organised. Also the dye each side of the same nerve a seperate colour so that I can notice any decussation or cross talk at the floorplate.


  • Trigeminal nerve L- Ant branch DiO and post branch DiI, opp on R side

Notes nerves were cleanly dissected slight contamination of DiO on L side ant branch




(green and orange)

Anterior Branch L side

  • Afferents


  • Efferents

  • Other

Posterior Branch L side

  • Afferents

very nice and clear and long, bundle shifted for where VII/VIII afferents would have been travelling

  • Efferents

very few labelled which is mysterious as V3 has lots of efferents, thinking it has something to do with the incubation or embryos? something about them just isn't penetrating well into hindbrain

  • Other

saw the weird alar plate cell bodies again also is this the age where the targets have started to grow so axons are beginning to search for their targets and defasiculating at a sharp 90 degrees

Anterior Branch R side

  • Afferents

similar to posterior branch on left side but a thinner bundle that didn't extend as far caudally

  • Efferents

2 efferents barely visible which shouldn't even be there because there is supposedly no motor component of V1

  • Other

Posterior Branch R side

  • Afferents


  • Efferents

  • Other


good injection but mysterious about lack of efferents labelled, saw lots of alar plate cell bodies, good age at which things are just starting to defasiculate and growth cones at both caudal and rostral ends are getting active

Questions who are these alar plate cell bodies? is this the age (22) where targets are starting to form and a permissive signal is being switched on allowing axons to move away from their bundle?

Future try different consecutive stages to see if there are more and more defasiculating axons